Chapter 9

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All I wanted to do was find Barry and forgive him. My memories had slowly started returning, sometimes in dreams, sometimes in daydreams. But, slowly, I was starting to remember why I had fallen for Barry in the first place. And with every passing moment, all I wanted to do was forgive him. So when the hospital finally cleared me, the first thing I did was head over to Barry's apartment. I remembered the address, but when I knocked on the door, I was met with nothing but silence. I decided that texting him was probably a better option.

To Barry:

Hey. Can we meet somewhere and talk?

From Barry:

Yeah. How about the park in 20 minutes?

I sent him a quick response, before heading over to the park. On the walk there I started thinking. About the flash. I knew Iris had started a blog about him and I was fascinated by him. A guy who could run at the speed of sound and saved people. Not to mention, he kept visiting me. But why me? There wasn't anything special about me. And yet, he still visited. Maybe he does that with anyone sitting on roofs. But it didn't seem like that.

The more I thought about this guy, the more his secret identity bothered me. I wanted to know who he was, but at the same time he could be anyone. He probably had a family, a girlfriend or wife, maybe some kids. He could be just a normal person, like me. But in secret, he ran around saving the city.

I didn't realize I had gotten to the park until I heard Barry calling my name. I must've zoned out the whole way, because I didn't remember walking all the way to the park. I looked up and met his eyes. I saw something behind them but decided to ignore it. I took a deep breath before saying "I forgive you. I'm sorry that I was being rude it's just that your words hurt a lot Barry. But, some...things have been happening recently that made me realize you are a great friend and I don't want to lose you." He nodded before saying "I am sorry for what I said. I have this problem, because I was struck by lightning, it makes me do weird things. But I guess there must've been some anger behind those words, and I'm sorry for saying those things. It won't happen again."

I gave him a smile and said "You're a dork." He broke out in a smile before grabbing me and running around the park. I was giggling the whole time, and Barry was laughing at my feeble attempts to escape. He finally set me down, and I gazed into his eyes. We stood like that for a second before I felt myself standing on my tip toes and leaning in. My lips pressed against his and it was just like the movies. What did they call it? Fireworks. My body was on fire, and I could feel the spark between us igniting, the kiss was like electricity.

And at the same time, I felt a rush of memories. They came all at once, and filled all of the gaps in my memory. I recalled all of the moments from my childhood and suddenly, I remembered. I poured all of my happiness into the kiss and we stayed like that for a while before breaking for a breath. The smile on my face was unlike any other. I was breathing heavily but I managed to force the words out.

"Barry...I remember." 

A/N: Whoops, that was short. Also, this is a day late. So basically, I'm the worst author ever. xD

But, this chapter was interesting. Like finally, Summer and Barry might be a thing and Summer remembers and I'm so excited for this. Don't worry, the book is nowhere near the end. ;) 

Anyways, thank you guys for all the reads and I hope you like this new chapter. (even though it was a day late)

Don't forget to like and comment, to tell me what you think, and I promise to update more! See you guys later.


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