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He questioned again. Every second he needed to take a sip of his beer. This made his hits harder. I thought I could run, because he kicked me in the gut. I fell, in pain as I couldn't hear anything. I can see him screaming at the top of his lungs, but I can't here him. He hits me, but I don't care it would not change a thing. I tried again to run. My dad viciously took my neck and punch me in the eye. After I kicked him in the leg and ran into my room and locked it. I look in the mirror I was find just have bruises and a black eye. I picked up the mirror and through it at the wall. The glass broke in to a million pieces. I ran to my bed and a burst of tears ran down my face. My life was a living hell. I got up to pick up a piece of glass. I rubbed the glass on my arm. My heart sinks to the ground. I stabbed my arm, but not to deep, some blood came down my arm. I grabbed my arm with a towel. I sat there as the world turned upside down, until I fell asleep. I wake up to a peaceful sound. I went in my closet to get a new pair of clothes. I put on a new pair of black jeans and a skeleton shirt. I grabbed my other black sweater with an over sized hat. I looked in a sock under my bed to get my money out. I took it all its not much just eighty dollars. I climb out of my window into the fresh scent of air. I pull my hood over my head and jump off the roof. I ran down the stair to a gate. I jumped down from the top to the ground. I was still weak, but I had to go. I ran into the forest. I found a a spot in the forest where I can sit. I picked up a pretty thick stick and a rock. I started to sharpen the stick to be a knife. I need a weapon to get food after all.

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