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The thought of going back frighten me. I can't I can't, I thought. The forest was getting dark so I walked a little closer to back home. I stopped walking closer when I saw the lights. I got some leaves and lay them across the ground. At least this would be more comfy than laying on the cold dirt ground. I pulled my sweater tightly around me. The falls cold breeze it was cold enough to kill me. I didn't care, what do I have to live for.
I woke the next morning. The sun glared into my eyes. I stood up to examine the area. I could feel my hunger coming and there was nothing to catch even if I try it will get away. I still had eight dollars, but what if the cops are looking for me? Who cares I'm hungry and that's it. I pulled my hood over my head. It was big enough to cover my face. I walked casually to the fence I was to weak to climb it. I looked down the fence to see if there was a hole. As I walked I found nothing there was no hole or a shorter fence. I continue to walk as I tripped over something. Yes a small spot on the ground was dig up. I crawled my small body under the old fence. I dusted my self off before I go anywhere looking like this would make it obvious that I ran away. I walked slowly to Wesley's Burgers. I looked though the glass windows to see my dad and the cops! I turned around and the urge of energy came on me. I ran as fast as I could to a area. Where could I go, what will I do? I ran to my house to see if I could get some stuff. I walked up the driveway to the door. I took a deep breath and walked in. The house was in a worst state than it was before I left. Is he scared, is he angry, or was he scared. All of this I still had to process, let me just find what I need and be out. I looked under cups, boxes, and cushions to find money. I only found a dollar, but what is that going to do? Nine dollars in my pocket not going to make a change. I hurried up the stairs to make. My door had holes in it, everything I had was broken. Except the picture of my dad and me. I was surprised, my feeling broke down and I felt a smile a merge on my face. I walked pass my room to my fathers room. I went in his dresser to pull out 20 dollars. "Perfect!," I whispered quietly. I ran down the stairs back out the door. I decided to go to the Warehouse. I love the Warehouse they have amazing food even though their name. I just walked the two miles.

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