Phone call to Mom (15.3)

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Eddie was really nervous and didn't know what to say. Jamie had graciously gotten her phone time, but she was so lost for words. "What do I say to her? You gotta help me." Eddie begged.

She looked so helpless and Jamie felt so bad. He couldn't imagine what she was going through and it killed him, that she was hurting so bad and that this phone call would be so hard. "Speak from the heart. Tell her how you feel and tell her you really want her to be there for your special day." Jamie said.

Eddie nodded and dialed the number needed to reach her Mom. The phone rang a bit, before she heard the click of someone answering it. She heard a female voice, one she hadn't heard in years and her voice caught in her throat. Jamie noticed this, and reached down to squeeze her hand. "You can do this." Jamie whispered.

"Hello? May I ask who's calling." her Mom said into the phone.

"It's me Edit. Hello Mom." Eddie said.

Her Mom made to try and hangup, but Eddie pleaded with her, "Please Mom, please just listen to me."

"I will give you 5 minutes Edit, and only because I still love you." her Mom said.

"Mom... I graduate next week." Eddie paused and Jamie gave her hand another squeeze. "I really want you to be there. I want you to watch me become a cop."

Silence was all Eddie got for a few minutes before, "I don't know if I can. I... this isn't the life I planned for you."

"I know, but I worked really hard, and I really want to show you, make you proud. I may not be the daughter you wanted, but I want to be a child you can be proud of." Eddie admitted.

A few tears fell down Eddie's face and she was struggling to keep it together. Suddenly she let out a chocked sob and her Mom felt so bad, because she said "I never thought you would actually stick it out and finish school at the academy. I always thought you would come back to me. I am so proud of you for finishing and for not giving up. You are a fighter like me, and back in Serbia, this is considered honorable."

Eddie stopped crying and was in shock. "Oh Mom, you really feel this way?"

Jamie couldn't tell if the conversation was going well or not, until Eddie turned and smiled at him. He knew then, that everything was okay. "I do and I would really like to come to your graduation." her Mom said.

Eddie rushed to tell her the date of the graduation and then told her briefly about her time at the academy. She then thanked her Mom for being so open and kind to her. She said goodbye and hung up. "Thank you so much Jamie for getting me phone time. I really appreciate it." Eddie expressed her gratitude.

"I am so happy she is coming. I know this means a lot to you, and your smile is so bright. I helped make this happen and it makes me so happy inside and out." Jamie said.

"If I could kiss you right now, I would, but I can't." Eddie whispered.

"Don't worry about it, your smile is thanks enough." Jamie said in a soft yet flirty voice.

Eddie smiled even brighter at this and she knew her graduation would be great, because now her Mom would be attending. Jamie was the most amazing man in the world, and he really made her life so much better. She knew that with him, she would truly be happy.

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