Josie's Final Decision - Chapter 2

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Hey guys heres the next chapter,

This Chapter is dedicated to Conleyswifey as she is an awesome writer.

Tips, advice, comments are very welcome.

Let me know what you think please good or bad I don't mind. Also I have just edited this so the grammar shouldn't be too bad. 

Oh and heres a video I made to make you laugh  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Chapter 2

After what feels like an eternity of being stuck in a small car,They finally pulled into the drive and stopped outside of a gothic manor house.

"My dear Josie, we have arrived. Welcome to your new home. What is mine is yours but please stay out of the basement, okay?" he said, smiling excitedly.

"Uh, I know that I have to live with you and marry you for my protection. But I can’t! I am engaged to someone who I love, someone who I want to be with for the rest of my life. I love my life as it is. Please don't take me away from it. Please!" 

 New tears started to fall and she tried to busy herself by looking out the window. All she could see was bushes and trees. A glimpse of extra wood suggested a tree house.

Ethan got out of the car and sat in the back with Josie.

"Please, Josie, you have to do this to keep yourself and your family alive. You are bound to me. Soon you will see that I am your true love but, until then, please come inside. I will make you something to eat and drink, then show you to your room before the sun comes up. I will send my maid, Florence, to get you some things tomorrow, okay?" He smiled at her and, before she could have said another word, he scooped her up. He walked into the house with her in the fireman’s hold where he was greeted by several people. "Florence, I need you to pick some things up for Josie. Clothes and the like. Peter, put my car in the garage, will you? Gilmore, make Josie a sandwich and a cup of tea. Craig, prepare Josie's room, and Gence, make sure the guards are securing the area." Ethan then walked into what appeared to be a living room. There was antique looking furniture placed around the room. Ethan seated Josie down on a huge sofa near to an open fire. The big cushions were made for comfort, apart from the fire and the sofa that were warm and cozy the rest of the room had a cold and unwelcoming sense to it.

"Ethan, please! I don't want to be here. I can't just cheat on Liam; I love him! I hate you and I hate the fact that you are taking me from my life! There is no way I’m going to be sharing a room with you. Absolutely no way." She began to cry and she hugged her knees closely. 

"Josie, please don't cry. You will have your own room until we marry. I hope you grow to love me, though, and realise that I am here to protect you. I mean no harm to you. I would sooner die than have you hurt, my dear. Please come into the kitchen with me to have some food. Then I will get Florence to show you to your room, okay?” Ethan held out his hand to help Josie up.

 She looked at his hand in disgust.

 "No! Don't touch me. I can get up on my own, thank you. I don't need your help. Thank you for letting me have my own bedroom, and thank you for letting me eat; I’m starving." 

Ethan started walking into the kitchen with Josie in tow. They enter the large kitchen. He walked up to an old, expensive looking table which seemed to have golden swirls etched in to it. The matching chairs seemed like small fortunes themselves, but he did not hesitate to sit down. She followed suit.

Josie ate her sandwich greedily and gulped down her tea. feeling the warm liquid slink down her throat. "Ah thank you for that, much appreciated, It doesn't mean I like you though".

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