Josie's Final Decision - Chapter 11

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Hey guys! 

Its Friday and Its also finally feeling like Autumn, I love Autumn! I love the way the leafs look and the feel of Autumn! ^_^

Anyways here is the next Chapter.

Chapter 11

Josie woke several hours later to see Ethan by her side.

"What happened?" Josie looks at Ethan for answers.

"You fainted, Your brain couldn't process all the information, I'm so sorry this has happened to you" Ethan kisses Josie's hand.

Josie attempts a smile, She feels so weak. "How long have I been out for?"

"only 4 hours, Look Josie you only have a few days to decide who your going to marry, I would love it if you chose me but I can't make you choose, Your decision has to come from the heart, Take your time but bear in mind you only have a few days" 

"Ok, I think I have made my choice, But I need time to gather my thoughts, Please don't leave me again, Please" Josie pleads with Ethan.

Ethan hugs Josie tightly, stroking her hair, He tries to sooth her. "Hey now, Shhhhh, I am not going anywhere ok, I love you Josie" He kisses the top of her head and hugs her more tightly.

"Thank you, I erm.... You know too" Josie blushes, she feels the same way but her stupid morals keep telling her its too soon to be feeling so strongly for him, Shut up stupid head!.

"Ethan? Do you think I could meet Clementine again?" Josie pulls away from him and looks him directly in the eyes, giving her most pleading look, She need to talk to Clementine before she makes her decision.

"Yes of course you can, I will get Craig to go and get her" 

"How is Justin by the way? He seemed a little tense last time I saw him"

Ethan gets off the bed and walks towards the windows, Looking out so she doesn't see him upset.

"He's dead Josie, That scumbag Liam killed him"

He walks over to the door and opens it, Hiding his face from Josie. 

"I'm sorry I need to get some fresh air, I will get Dominic to watch over you"

He glances at Josie, A single tear rolling down his cheek and then leaves the room, Locking the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry!" She shouts after him, Hoping he can hear her.

She heads over to the window, Sitting on the ledge and looking out the window, Thinking about how Justin seemed too young to die, She thought about her job and If Justin had been a human then she would of no doubt been the one embalming him, Stop it! Don't think like that, Justin must of led a good life.

I can't believe Liam killed Justin.

"I hate Liam so much!" She shouts to her self.

"I'm glad to hear that, I was starting to think you were on Liam's side" Dominic says.

Josie falls off the window sill and onto the floor startled, She didn't hear him come in.

"Hey are you ok? Sorry I didn't mean to make you jump, You seemed deep in thought, I didn't want to startle you" 

Dominic rushes over to help Josie up.

"Thank you, I am so sorry to hear about Justin, I can't believe it happened, I wish someone had given me a heads up as I wouldn't of mentioned Justin a moment ago to Ethan"

Josie sits back onto the bed.

"Its ok, You wasn't to know, Ethan is truly distraught about the whole thing, He and Justin were friends way before I was born, They did everything together and they would of both given their lives to save the other and thats how Justin died, Liam was going to kill Ethan and Justin sacrificed his own life to keep Ethan alive, Just don't mention Justin around Ethan again even if he brings him up, Just listen to him"

Dominic smiles and sits on the chair in the corner.

"Ok I will do, I feel so bad, Justin would still be alive if it wasn't for me"

"Don't say that! Ethan would go to the ends of the world for you, Don't let Justin's death be for nothing"

"I er" 

Ethan walks back into the room before Josie can say another word.

"Dominic leave, I need a word with Josie"

Dominic leaves muttering something under his breath.

Josie looks at Ethan, He looks angry so she decides to stay quiet, Ethan grabs the chair and places it in front of her, sitting down he tries to hide his anger and sorrow.

"Josie, I am sorry I took off like that, Losing Justin has been very difficult for me and I wish not to talk about it anymore. I need to talk to you about your future, As we are nearing your 21st birthday, We need to start making plans for the big day, You do still want to marry me don't you?"

"I, Yes I do" She looks him directly in the eyes, She feels like its the right thing to do.

"I do have 1 question for you though, I need the honest truth ok?"

"Ok I will promise to answer as honest as I can"

"After we marry Am I able to continue my job at the funeral home, As I love being an embalmer, Its been my passion for as long as I can remember, I feel its unfair for you to take what I have fought for years and years to be taken away like this" She can feels tears stinging her eyes again

"You can't go back to that job, I'm sorry" 

Josie begins to cry uncontrollably, "Thats so unfair! I have worked so hard to achieve this and you take it away from me! I love being an embalmer!" She runs off to the bathroom shouting and screaming, She is so angry and upset, She locks the door behind her and collapses on to the floor, Crying her eyes out.

Ethan rushes to the door, Banging on it, "Josie! Josie! You didn't hear me out! I was going to surprise you when we got married, But I guess I will have to ruin the surprise and tell you now! I have sorted it out that you will run your own funeral home! I have sorted out staff and everything! Please come out the bathroom so I can talk to you properly!"

Josie unlocks the door and looks at him, tears still running down her face.

"What? You are going to let me be an embalmer still?? Wow! Oh my god! Where is it? Can I see it?"

"Not yet, Its in the city, You will be arranging funerals for all deceased vampires, Not all vampires turn to ash when they die, Only vampires that have been killed by slayers do that. Most die from old age or from vampire diseases and yes Vampires can get diseases, They also die from the hands of other vampires"

Ethan looks away trying to calm himself, He hated Liam so much for what he did to Justin.

He turns to look at Josie.

"What do you think?"

"its a lot to take in but yeah it sounds ok, Thank you"  She says trying to hold back her excitement, She loved her job.

She hugs Ethan tightly.

After what seems like hours of cuddling Ethan she pulls away and looks at Ethan,

"I'm really tired"

"Ok, I will let you go sleep" He stands up and moves to the door.

"Ethan, Don't leave me, Please stay!" Josie pleads

Ethan walks back up to Josie and gets into bed laying next to Josie he can't help but smile.

"Thank you" Josie lays down and snuggles next to Ethan.

"No worries" He says, kissing the top of her head.

Josie attempts to smile but falls into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2011 ⏰

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