Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV

The whole concert i couldn't take my mind off her. Michelle. She had changed so much after the last time i saw her. She was taller, more tanned, longer hair, bigger eyes. And most importantly, she was beautiful. When we were best friends back when we were just 15, i had a crush on her, and i had always thought she was cute. But now i could finally call her gorgeous.

I was snapped out of my reverie by Louis' loud voice screaming "ZAYNIE!! THE TWO PRETTY GIRLS ARE COMING BACK STAGE!" I looked up, shocked. They were coming here? But then why wasn't Michelle there for the whole concert? Why did she leave? Does she not like our music? And that's when I saw them. Michelle and the other girl, who Louis seemed to really take an interest in ;) I assumed she was her sister since they looked similar. But that's strange, i never met her back when i was friends with Michelle?

While the other boys were talking to the other girl, i looked over and saw that Michelle was just standing in the corner, rolling her eyes. Hmm, maybe she isn't a fan? I walked up to her with a smile on my face and started "Hey Michelle... long time no see..." She just glared at me, and said (coldly) "Hi. Zayn." She averted her gaze to the other boys, and ignored me. What did i do? "So..." i said, "How have you been?" "Fine. You?" She replied, not looking at me. "I've been... fine, i guess. But... i missed you." I answered honestly. Suddenly i saw a flicker of guilt in her eyes, but it quickly returned to its previous glare. She scoffed, "Yeah, right." I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by Niall whining "I'm HUNGRYYYY!" We all groaned, and then Michelle's (sister?) said "Oh, we have a discount for Nando's, that i got for my birthday. If you want, you guys could come with us?"

Michelle's POV

"If you want, you guys could come with us?" Jenn asked. I was surprised at how calm she was, considering she was fangirling a few seconds ago! "Sure!" They all chorused, but i heard that Niall's was a little louder than everyone's. I chuckled, and went to stand behind everyone, since i didn't want anymore awkward conversations with Zayn. I can't believe he still hasn't apologised! Jerk.

We arrived at the restaurant, and everyone bagsied their seats, and the only 2 people left were of course me and guess who? Rhymes with Wayne, and i hate him? Yep that's right!


We sat down and ordered, still not talking to each other. Jenn was mesmerised in a conversation with... Lewis, i think his name is, and the other guys were laughing and talking loudly. I just sat quietly, sipping on my drink. Suddenly, i got a craving for a cigarette. "I'll be right back," I said quietly, not making eye contact with Zayn. I walked outside quickly, and took out a pack of cigarettes, but then realised that i don't have a lighter. "Need a light?" A deep husky voice asked me. I turned around to see....Harry, yeah, that's his name i think, smirking at me. "Oh my god, don't you dare tell Jenn about this or i will rip your head off and play volleyball with it." I whispered. Yeah... i could be pretty threatening when i needed to. He just gulped, obviously not expecting me to say that. "Uh-um," he stuttered, "I wasn't planning on. I just wanted to light your fag?" I chuckled, "Oh, ok! Thanks." He lit my cigarette, and we sat in silence, both smoking.

"So..." he began, after a long silence, "Don't think i didn't see that little encounter you had with Zayn, back at the concert. What was that about? Why do you seem to hate him that much?"

I just shrugged, "We go way back. Ugh, it's a long story." I answered with my most famous excuse.

"I'm not in a rush." Harry replied, smirking at me. I scoffed. "Fine." Maybe i do need to tell someone, to get everything off my chest. "But tell ANYONE, and i'll----" I was cut off by Harry chuckling and saying, "Yeah yeah, I know, you'll rip off my head and play volleyball with it. Now tell me." I smiled, and began to explain.

After i finished telling him my whole story, he finally asked, "So, all of this started just because Zayn didn't call or text you after he got through to Boot Camp of X Factor?" I nodded. "But, i can explain why----" He started to say, but I cut him off, by saying "No. I don't want to hear any excuses, so don't even TRY to defend that jerk. I'm going back inside."

"But----" Harry started, but i gave him a cold stare, as if to say 'Don't even think about it.' I stumped out my cigarette and went back into the restaurant, sitting down at my table, digging into my peri-peri chicken. I didn't even realise how hungry i was until now.

Soon, Harry came back inside, wearing that 'oh-so-famous' smirk of his. Zayn glared at him with dagger eyes, and turned to me, and said (or should i say, growled) "What did you talk about with... HIM?" I rolled my eyes. "None of your business, Malik. Why would YOU care?" I scoffed. Suddenly, i wasn't so hungry any more. "I'm going home, Jenn, i feel tired, sorry guys." I said to my sister, but directed the last part to everyone. There was a chorus of Aww's, and Oh's and then i hugged everyone goodbye, exchanging numbers with Niall and Liam, who both blushed when i gave them mine. Weird. I ignored Zayn as he tried to say goodbye. I still wasn't planning on forgiving him any time soon. I grabbed my purse to pay for my meal, even though i didn't eat much of it, but was stopped by a tanned hand placing a 20 pound note in mine. "Thanks," I mumbled quietly to Zayn, "But no thanks. I can pay for my own food." I snapped. I payed, and then left Nando's without looking back. Uhh, that was the worst night ever. It brought back so many memories.

I went back to my house, and up to my room, flinging myself onto my bed. I sighed, as i remembered one of the many amazing memories i shared with Zayn. Back when he was the sweet, caring Zayn that i miss.

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