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5 years ago

I slipped on my fighting gloves and wrapped the strap around my wrist making sure it was real tight. Once they were secured I rubbed my hands together and looked in the mirror. I didn't look much like a fighter yet, but I knew soon I will be. Soon I will be able to defend myself. I won't be weak like all the other girls I know. I can say that I'm stronger and braver. No one will be able to pick on me. I glanced over to the clock and noticed I was late. I ran out of my room and made my way up to the roof where we usually practice at. I unhooked the latch that led to the roof and was instantly hit with a nice breeze.

What a beautiful day.

I climbed up and saw my father standing by the ledge of the roof of the headquarters. Headquarters is where everything happens and I usually spend all my time here. We practice on the roof of headquarters other than our mansion simply because its better. Also if something were to happe my father would already be here.

"You're late." He says his back still facing me

"I'm sorry." I close the roof door "I have no excuse to why I'm late. I guess i just took my time."

I hear him chuckle and he finally faces me "It's okay my child. Just don't do it again."

I nod my head like i'm suppose too.

"Lets get started shall we?" he says calmly

I raise my eyebrow

"Is everything okay father?" I ask

"Just enjoying the day my child."

I nod again

He smiles "hit me."


"I said hit me" he repeated

I nodded my head again and position myself. My father just stood there. I lift up my arm and swing at him, but he just blocked it. I did it again and again and he kept blocking me again and again. Trust me I never could beat my father, but there were times where i out played him. I tried to kick him but he just deflected that. I tried and tried again but nothing. I was loosing.

I finally gave up and put my arms down. He raised his eyebrow.

"Why did you stop?" He asked me

I was breathing really hard "Its no use. You keep beating me."

"And that is a reason you stopped fighting?"

I didn't say anything. I just stood there.

"There was no way I could win."I finally said softly

"Wrong." His voice was hard "There is always a way you could win."

I was still silent

"You can never give up." He says "No matter how hard the challenge is giving up is not an option."

I couldn't say anything now

"Fight until you can't fight anymore."


I heard loud banging on my bedroom door that night. I jumped awake and just stared at it. Waiting for it to do it again, hoping it was just my imagination. Then the banging continued even louder this time. I just sat there quietly. Finally the door burst opened and I scream. Men that i have never seen before rushed in my room.

"You must come with us." one of them order me

"Under whose orders." I said

"Under General Reynolds." He said

My uncle

what was he doing?

What was going on?

I decided to find out.

I swung my legs over my bed and stood up. They walked out the room and i followed them.

They took me to the living room where my uncle, mother and father were in.

Only thing wrong was my father was tied to a chair. When he saw me his eyes sadden. My mother was next to my uncle. She didn't want to meet my eyes.

"Don't do this James. Not in front of my daughter." He pleaded

My uncle shook his head "No I think she should be here to witness this."

"What's going on?" i found my voice

My uncle smiled "Just punishing your father sweetheart."

"I've done nothing wrong!!" My father roared at him

"You shouldn't be the leader of Alancia! I should be!" He hissed and i flinched

I felt tears form in my eyes. Was this really happening right now.

"Mother." i said quietly

"I'm sorry sweetheart." she mumbles

I looked back at my father. His eyes were full of guilt and sadness. He was afraid.

I never seen him this vulnerable in my life.

"Please don't do this." i pleaded

"I'm sorry darling." my uncle says clutching the gun that was in his hands "this needs to be done."

He raises the gun to my fathers head and he mumbles "I'm sorry." and then my uncle pulls the trigger and the bullet goes straight into my fathers head. He becomes still.

I scream

Tears were flowing down my eyes as i lunge for my father but i was stopped by the men who escorted me here.

"Take her away." My Uncle demanded "Throw her in the cells."

There grip tightened on me as the pull me out. I tried to break free but i couldn't.

"You monster!" I screamed " You horrible monster I trusted you! How could you do this!"

I kept struggling but i was no use. They were stronger than me. Plus i was to broken to fight.

My father was just killed in front of my own eyes.

How could i live with that?

We reached the cells and my fear grew.

"This ones just for you." One of the men chuckled

It was all the way at the end.

This was all planned.

I started to cry more when i was thrown into the cell.

"Have fun rotting." they said and closed the door

That was the day i lost my life.



This is just the prologue to my new story! i wont be posting the first chapter untill i finsh my on going story now. If you havent read it, its called he difference between you and i and it would be great if you did read it.

This wont be like any other story i have written before so bare with me.

so hope you like the prologue and i hope you like me story :)

see you soon!


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