Chapter 18

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The thing about is reality is that is fucking sucks, but there could be moments when they are beautiful. When you think what is happening is dream and it's actually real.

That feeling doesn't last very long.

Reality gives you snippets of the good things in life before it strips them away. 

Being here, next to Aiden, felt like a dream, but it was real and I so desperately didn't want it to be.

I wanted to be in this fantasy world with him where everything was okay and we were happy.

I just wanted us to be happy.

The tournament was tomorrow and I already knew what I was going to do.

I was going to lose. 

No matter what happens I can't be the reason Aiden's family dies. If anyone should die it was me and there was a big chance that was going to be true.

Bryan told us the security measure for the final and how we were going to escape. There was going to be a truck waiting for us in the delivery dock and we were going to hopefully sneak out at night. The thing was though we didn't know what my uncle had plan. We didn't know if I'll make it till then. It is not a very solid plan, but it is the only one we got. That's the only place in the headquarters that won't be guarded.  

It was very risky. I was scared shitless, but I had to take my chances.

This is bigger than me. 

I looked at the clock on the side of the bed realizing I had 20 minutes to get to training area to meet Jackson.

I slowly wiggled my way out of Aiden's arms hoping I didn't wake him up. I didn't really want to talk to him right now.

When I successfully got out of his bed, I grabbed my shoes and quietly walked out the door.

I went to the room I am staying in to get my stuff and change. I try to be as quick as possible because I couldn't stand being in there anymore.

in 10 minutes I was at the training area ready to greet Jackson, but instead was greet with Jason.  He gave me small wave and I returned it back confused.

"Where is Jackson?" I asked him

"Emergency meeting so he asked me to help you train today since I wasn't doing anything special," He smiled

I nodded putting my stuff next to the mat.

"Plus," he continued "if anyone knows how to beat Aiden it's me. I know his style and I know what you should expect."

I really wanted this to be a dream. 

"I've spared against him before I think I know how he fights," I told him

Jason laughed and I raised my eyebrow stepping on the mat.

"Aiden spares differently than he actually fights so people think they know what they are expecting, but he surprises them. Thats how he wins because he's smart. Why do you think he wanted to spare with you in the first place? Did you win most of the time?" He says to me

I nodded my head slowly, "So you are saying that he just spared with me to know how I fight?"

"So he knows how to beat you," Jason finished off.

I wonder if that was before everything. I wonder if it is still like that. I don't know what can happen tomorrow. This could all be part of my uncles game her has me planning. Aiden can still be lying to me.

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