Chapter 15

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Life is unfair.

When you think that life has hurt you enough it decides to hurt you more.

It challenges you to see when they push you if you'll get back up.

And boy do I not want to get up.

I so desperately wanted to stay in my current position and just let my consequences consume me.

I've been hurt so many times that I don't even how I'm still alive.

I don't even know how I'm still going.

How I even have the strength to keep living.

I wanted to be reunited with my father so badly.

I know he would be upset to see me though.

Because I wasn't finish with life. Even though I wanted to be, I had to keep going.

I have been staring at Aiden's face for about 20 minutes. Taking every aspect of his face and imbedding it in my brain. I wanted the image of him to last forever in my mind. I wish it were simple. I wish we could run away and be together. I wish I still trusted him. I wish I didn't have to leave him.

Like I said life is unfair.

We always want what we can't have.

I take my hand and softly drag my fingers across his cheek. He stirs a little. His eyes fluttered open and he turns to face me.

He smiles "You're still here."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

He drags his fingers up and down my arms causing me too shiver "I just thought you leave."

I am leaving "I'm here."

He looks at me intensely as if he knows that I'm hiding something. Aiden isn't stupid and frankly I'm not good at lying.

"So what now?" He asks me

"What do you mean?" I ask dumbfoundly

He gave me a look like I should know what he is talking about.

"You know you're uncle isn't just going to let you walk out of here freely," He said.

I turn over a look at the ceiling "I don't want to talk about it."

Aiden sits up a bit "What do you mean you don't want to talk about it? You don't have much time . We need to figure out--"

I look at him "I'm not dragging you down with me."

"Don't be naive Victoria. You are playing with your life here."

"And I told you I'll handle it," I sit up still covering my naked body with the sheets.

He studies me so more.

"What aren't you telling me?"

Shit. "I'm not hiding anything. Why do you assume I'm always hiding something?"

"Because you always are."

"And you don't?" I said raising my voice.

He stays quiet, but I can see the anger in his eyes.

He cups his hand on my face bringing me a little more closer to him. I was weak for his touch.

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing will." I kiss him gently "Everything is going to be okay."

He pulls back, "What about the finals? We both know it's going to be us in the finals."

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