Chapter 14

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"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered out "I didn't think none of this was going to happen."

I looked at him with cold, angry eyes with a hint of disappointment.

My emotions were all over the place. I didn't know what to feel.

He just told me he was conspiring against me with my uncle. He just told me what my uncle was going to do to me.

"Get out," I choked out.

He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Victoria that was all before—" He tried to explain himself

But I didn't want to hear it.

"I said get out," I said more sternly

"Victoria please just listen to me," Aiden pleaded.

"Get the fuck out of my face Aiden," I spat in his face "Don't ever fucking speak to me again."

He looked defeated. I never seen him like this. Like he had emotions and like he cared.

I didn't want any of it.

He got up slowly making his way towards the door. He stopped and turn around looking me straight in the eye.

"I didn't want to hurt you anymore," he spoke "Not after I got to know you." He walked out of the clinic.

I felt like I was suffocating. I tried so hard to not let the tears fall down, but I was falling miserably.

I hate the he makes me feel like this.

I hate that I trusted him.

I hate that he is doing this to me.

I hate that I fucking love him.


It's been two weeks since my stabbing.

Haha stabbing. Don't hear that everyday.

I was ordered bed rest from Jackson until my stitches were gone. The tournament continued in one week which doesn't give me a lot of time to get myself back together, but I'm not surprised.

I told Jackson what Aiden said to me which he confirmed he already knew and told Aiden to tell me.

I asked Jackson why would he do that to which he replied "because I wanted to see if he would do it."

He told me we would talk about it later and I guess later is now because I'm currently in the basement with him.

This is the only place in the building that has no cameras because it's were all the servants are and not to be mean, but my uncle doesn't really care what they are up too.

I haven't seen Aiden since that night and I don't want too. I've been going to the training room Kate at night to practice or Jackson and I would go to the roof like me and my dad use to do.

My head was still wrapping around this situation and I had no idea what to do.

Thank god I had Jackson with me.

"Jackson who are we waiting for?" I asked as he is looking at his watch.

I guess I spoke to soon as Jason Vernan, Rachel and some other guy walked in.

What the fuck is going on?

"Before you start asking questions," Jackson said "Let me explain."

I nodded my head slowly not wanting to speak.

"As you may already know your uncle is an asshole." Jackson started "He has everyone fooled and he is going to drive our civilization to the ground. A civilization that your father was working on rebuilding after the war and he was doing a good job till your uncle killed him. No ones that because he covered it up and you too."

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