Chapter 5: You Teach Me

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Blaze sat on the outside ring of the arena, putting her claws behind her head as she watched Sparks start to lecture Aaron. She sighed in exasperation.

"Her moves suck compared to mine. He doesn't know what he's missing," she pouted.

"He has to start somewhere." Blaze jumped at the unexpected voice, looking around to see Zoey walking towards her. Blaze shook her head, smirking.

"I still have no idea how you sneak up on me like that. You don't even make a sound!" Zoey giggled a little as she sat down next to her.

"A true master of darkness is only seen when they want to be seen," she said matter-of-factly. Blaze jabbed her shoulder playfully, and then pointed to the two yellow beings in the arena's center.

"Look at them out there. I swear Sparks has been waiting for this moment her whole life."

"She'll be a good teacher," Zoey responded. "You got anything planned for your training?" Blaze looked at her with a faux-deadpan look.

"Well, duh." Zoey laughed at her silly expression, with Blaze herself joining in. "Me and Aaron spared all the time when he was human. He's a natural! But he could never beat me of course." She punched forward into the air twice. "But with my abilities at his disposal, he could be an actual threat." Zoey nodded, looking back to Aaron and Sparks. They sat silent for a while, spectating Spark's lecture.

"Do you think he's OK?" Zoey suddenly asked. Blaze looked at her oddly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He's taking this whole thing way too well. A stone with an unknown power steals his body and identity and then he just gets up the next morning like it's no big deal. I get a feeling he is hiding some negative feelings from us." Blaze closed her eyes and nodded in understanding, remembering Aaron's partial breakdown from the night before.

"I see what you are saying. We need to be there if he starts to freak out again. Should we tell the other girls about this?" Blaze asked, making Zoey shake her head.

"Not right now. After all, he has some training to do." Blaze grinned at that.

"And we have a lot of teaching to do!"


"OK, first lesson! Moves!" Sparks yelled as she struck another fabulous pose. "You are familiar with moves, correct?" Aaron was amused.

"Of course. I kind of command you do them a lot." Sparks laughed like a cartoon supervillain, as she pointed at Aaron.

"Indeed! But now the roles will be reversed! I get to be your trainer today!"

"As will everyone else," Aaron muttered under his breath. Sparks continued, not even hearing Aaron's comment.

"First, the bread and butter of the Ampharos skillset: Thunder!" Aaron heard the name of the move and was suddenly filled with excitement. He knew the move well. It pumped him up just thinking that he had the power to do that.

"Oh, oh, oh! How do I do it, how do I do it?" Aaron started bouncing up and down with uncontrollable glee, his breasts bouncing along with him. Sparks regarded him oddly before going forth with the explanation.

"Listen up, because this is important. Moves all work on the same basic concept. Focus on the move you want to use... and release." Sparks looked up to the sky and focused her power. Little arcs of lightning shot across her body as she lifted her hands to the sky. "THUNDER!" Aaron whirled around and watched as a black cloud appeared and launched a wicked thunderbolt straight into the ground nearby. The resulting thunderclap was huge, making Aaron cover his ears. When he looked up, he saw the blackened spot on the ground, causing him to leap into the air and cheer.

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