Chapter 3: Who's the hottie?

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The flight was long and exhausting, but I still managed to catch a few Z's.

Me and Kai were now riding in a cab to my aunt Lucy's house. I was told she had two kids, which meant they were my cousin's. I don't know they're names, age, or gender, but I'm sure I'll like them a lot.

An hour later the cab stopped infront of a pretty big brown house. The front lawn was practically a garden, filled with beautiful flowers of many colors and shapes.

The man helped us bring our bags to the door and left. "Wow, this is a nice place, huh?" I absentmindedly nodded while taking in my surroundings.

Kai stuck her arm out and rung the door bell with out hesitation. I shot her a 'are you crazy look.' "Well we can't just sit here. I knew she was right so I responded with silence.

A couple if seconds later I heard foot steps come close to the door. My body tensed.

The shiny, classy wooden door flung open. "Um, hi. Who are you?" A girl with long dark hair like mines stood at the door. She was wearing light shorts and a loose tank top that showed a bit of her stomach.

"Um, I'm Adalain... And this is my sister Kailani. Were suppost to be staying here for the night..." The girl stood there looking at us as if we had grown two heads.

"Mom! There's two girls at the door!" A couple if seconds later, a woman with dark bumped hair just past het shoulders came to the door. She looked to be about 45.

"Kailani? Adalain?" We nodded in unison. Except Kai looked like she knew this lady. The woman's eye turned glossy as she flung her arms around us. "It's been so long," she stated. "Come in, please," she insisted quickly regaining herself.

The girl who I just discovered was my cousin had carried our bags up stairs for us. Her name was Keala. Pronounced Key-la. She was 16, one year younger than me with a twin brother who's name is Keoni. Pronounced Key-on-e. And the woman who hugged us, was our Aunt Lucy.

We were now all seated in the living room. They asking me and Kai questions, like we were guests on a talk show. Mostly me because, sinse Kai was seven when we were adopted, she remembered our aunt.

"Oh, I remember when you were just a baby Adalain. You were so precious," she said softly, obviously reminiscing.

"Thank you?..." I wasn't quite sure if that was a complement or not. "Well, I'll cook lunch while you guys catch up with each other.

All of us expect Kai went up stairs. She stayed down stairs with our aunt sinse she was a little to old to be hanging out with us.

"Wow, your rooms so pretty..." I stammered adjusting my glasses. Keala's walls were covered in amazing paintings of hawaiian flowers. But it didn't look to over-did. It gave the room a tropical feeling. "Thanks, I did it myself." My head flew in her direction. "Are you serious?!" Once she discovered the amazement in my expression, she nodded proudly.

"That's amazing, have you ever thought about going to collage for this?" She shrugged and plopped down on her bed patting a spot next to her. Obeying her gesture, I sat beside her.

"So... You don't know what your mom looks like?" "Nope, not one clue."

"Well, your mom, which is my aunt, is very beautiful. Come to think of it, you kind of look like her, expect for your eyes... No one in our family has eyes that light... Anyways, she sweet and loving and caring. And she's very wise for her age." I could just image my mother, standing in the door way with open arms. I sighed happily at the thought. Then a question left my lips that I didn't even process.

"What's my dad like." There was a hopeful ring in my tone. Keala cocked her head to the side. "I-I don't know. I've never heard if him before."

At the moment I knew it was either two things. He was either a dead beat dad, or he was dead. Both thoughts made my stomach turn. I didn't like the idea of neglect, weather it was intentional or not. I quickly shook the thought off before I got sad. "Oh," was all I could say.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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