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As I saw his outline near the lockers, I speed walked to him. I leaned against the locker next to his.

"Hey, Ryan."

He jumped to the side, surprised.

"It's Liam..." He sighed. He seemed frustrated.

"Don't worry, love, I know." I smiled, even though I thought he would get the joke.

I caught him rolling his eyes  and tried to ignore it.

"So..." I smiled again. "Want me to walk you to class again?"

"No, thanks." He slammed his locker door in my face and started to walk away. I followed.

"What happened?" I asked, holding his shoulder, making him turn.

He opened his mouth to answer me but someone else's voice manifested first.

"Liam, hey!" a girl with bleached blonde hair and the shortest skirt I had ever seen hugged him. "How've you been?"

"Kelly, I haven't talked to you since school started!" His smile grew on his face. Yep, definitely his girlfriend. "I have so much to tell y-"

"Yeah, you can tell me later." She cut him off, turning then to me. "Why don't you introduce me to your friend?"

"This is Louis..." His smile faded.

I weakly smiled and waved. "Hi."

"We should all hang out together, you know?" She started talking in that squeaky annoying voice of hers. She would toss her fake blonde hair a million times as she talked. How did someone so adorable end up with someone so fake and annoying? "Do you have a girlfriend? If you do, we can go on double dates..."

"I don't have a girlfriend." I said, looking at Liam. He seemed annoyed with just the idea of spending time with me. We'll see about that.

"Oh." she smiled, trying to look sorry but failing. "That's a bummer." She pouted, but I could still see the corners of her mouth arching. "Oh well, I'll catch you later." She grabbed Liam's arm and dragged him away.

I wanted to call him but I would look too desperate, right? He had a girlfriend, so I had to stay away. But... haha, butts... Anyways, she seemed like she was making a move on me. At least, she was doing it like every other girl in this school.

"Louis?" I heard Harry's voice behind me and I turned. "Where have you been? I looked for you everywhere."

"You haven't looked hard enough, because I was here all along." I laughed, slightly, still conflicting inside.

He threw his long arm around my shoulders and we walked to class. It was my time to have English with the new teacher, the one replacing the greek god, and I wasn't excited. Harry left me by the door and I walked in, expecting Mrs Doubtfire to be sitting on the big desk in front of the class. Instead, there was a tall, skinny man, sitting on edge of the wooden desk, waiting for us to sit down. He had a pair of thin glasses and a flannel over his white t-shirt. Damn. Who is this? I sat down as quick as I could, anxious to hear him talk.

"Hello, class." He said when we all sat down. His voice was not too deep, but not squeaky annoying either. He was just a few years older than me, either two or three."You're probably wondering who I am or where is your old teacher. Well, he moved away and now I'm the one teaching you English. They told me to ask you to treat me as Mr. Garfield, but you can call me Andrew."

He got up from where he was sitting and handed us a few sheets of paper, the typical class-wasting fill-in questionaries, to "get to know us". Well, all I know is that I couldn't stop looking at his butt in those skinny jeans when he was walking around. I want to get to know that ass. Why didn't Harry tell me that the new English teacher was this hot? I mean, he wasn't no Mr. Samuels but he would do. Then I remembered that Harry's teacher was an older lady and giggled, imagining already his jealous expression when I'd tell him. Unfortunately, I forgot I was on the classroom and Mr. Garfield- Andrew -walked to my desk.

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