Chapter 17

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28th October 2015

John was woken abruptly by the feeling of cold water being squirted onto his face.
"Hey," he groaned, lifting his arm to cover his eyes and wipe the water away.
"Wake up, sleepy head! It's you birthday and you're not wasting another second of it!" Clara exclaimed, now hitting him with a pillow.
John finally opened his eyes, to see her wearing an apron over her pijamas.
"You've been cooking? What time is it?" he asked.
"It's 11am and I made you a breakfast souffle. The others are downstairs already, so you're last for a change. Now get up," Clara dictated.
John stood up and followed Clara down the stairs, catching a wiff of the souffle that was waiting for him in the kitchen. As he passed the living room, he saw Jenny and Vastra cuddling up on the couch.
When he reached the kitchen, Craig and Ace were sat at the table eating their breakfast.
"Morning," John greeted, his voice still croaky.
"Happy Birthday," Craig grinned. Ace said the same as he sat down next to Craig.
"Thanks guys. That's a nicer reception than what I got from that one," John said, nudging towards Clara, who was removing the souffle from the oven.
"Be patient, chin boy," Clara said, bringing over the souffle to him on a plate with a candle in it. "Happy Birthday, John," she finally said, pecking a kiss onto his check.
John couldn't stop himself from blushing, appreciating the fact that Clara had just kissed him on the cheek.
"Right," Clara said, untying her apron. "Now that you're happy, I'm finally going to go shower and get changed."
John tucked into his souffle, which for once wasn't too burnt.
"Mmm, that's actually really good," he announced as Clara left the kitchen. Once she was well away, he added "For once."
Craig chuckled.
"I wouldn't say that to her face, you know. That's her mum's recipe," Ace told him.
"I know. That's why I didn't say it to her face," John laughed.
"Anyway, losers. I have to go. Got a busy day ahead. Have a good birthday, John," Ace said, standing up and swinging her bag over her shoulder.
"Thanks. See you later," John smiled as she left.
"You have to teach me how to ask her out," Craig demanded, not taking his eyes off the door Ace had just left through.
"Why me? I've never asked anyone out before," John said defensively.
"For real? Is that why you haven't asked Clara?" Craig asked.
"What? No, no. It's not like that. We're friends. You know that," John told him.
"You'll probably change your mind one day. Anyway, speaking of Clara, do you think I should ask her about Ace? I mean, they were roommates for a year," Craig thought out loud.
"Well, yeah. She's probably had loads of boyfriends. Who wouldn't want her?" John sighed.
"Exactly. And that's why you've got to grab for her, because if you ask me, you won't hold on to her forever unless you make a move," Craig said.
"Please stop, Craig. You don't know the half of what's going on with us two. We're best friends, nothing more, nothing less. I'd trust her with my life, I would die for her, I would never let her down. But why does the world expect us to be romantic just because we're a guy and a girl?"
A cough came from the doorway, causing John to whirl around.
Clara was standing in the doorway, her hair wrapped in a towel.
"I'm going to do a wash. Do you have any clothes you want to throw in?" She asked.
"Oh, um... Yeah, hang on. I'll just get some stuff."
John stood up and ran to his room which he shared with Craig. He grabbed a couple of t-shirts and a pair of tracksuits, and ran back downstairs, regretting every word that he had said just then. It was sort of true, but at the same time he told himself it wasn't. He couldn't make up his mind.
"Here you go," he said, handing her his clothes.
She just looked at him intently, making him feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Did you mean that?" Clara asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Did I mean what?" John said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
Clara sighed. "What you just said to Craig," she muttered. She didn't look happy.
"Well, I-"
There was a knock at the front door, causing Clara to give him one last look, before chucking his clothes in the basket and heading for the door.
John felt relieved that he'd been saved from talking, knowing he was just going to mess it up. However, a feeling of guilt also lingered there, and he wanted to tell her he was sorry, but as he looked over to where she was standing, it looked as if she had cheered up already.
"Rose! I was not expecting you!" She screamed excitedly as she was whirled into a hug by Rose Tyler, who John had only met once.
"That was the point! I was in the area so I thought I'd pop in and say hi," Rose grinned as she released her small friend.
She entered the house and caught sight of John, who was still standing awkwardly in the hallway.
"Hey, John. Nice to see you again," she smiled, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek. What was it with girls kissing him today?
"Be nice to him, Rose. He's the birthday boy today," Clara chirped.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. Happy Birthday," Rose wished him.
"Thank you. I'll leave you two to it, then," John said, beginning to walk up the stairs.
As he climbed, he caught Clara's eye. She gave him a look that he hadn't seen in a long time. A look that he absolutely hated to see. A look that he must have caused by mouthing off to Craig. That look was a look of genuine sadness, and now the small tingle of guilt now washed over him more than ever.

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