Chapter 1 - I Love The Effect I Have On You

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How will I survive this? School sucks, I wish I could just know everything, get a good job and leave that hell hole. Unfortunately I can't, my mum says school is important and honestly, I agree with her but I just can't take it anymore with the constant bullying and harassing in my every day school life.

"Summer!" My mum called from the kitchen outside of my room, my mum always wanted to move to America that's why she named me Summer, apparently it's a name usually used in America? I don't know to be quite honest.

"Summer for goodness sake, get up for school it's 7am!" She shouted, knocking loudly on my door, I grab my iPhone from the bedside table, looking at the time.

"6:49" I read out loud. Why do parents do that?  I could be sleeping right now for another 10 minutes, but no, it's obviously 7am what are you talking about Summer?

"I'm up!" I shout back. Groaning I sit up from my bed and rub my eyes with the back of my hand and sigh. God I really do hate school.

I jumped up from my bed and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a hoodie with the all time low logo printed on the front. I quickly put them on and looked at myself in the mirror.

"God I look awful" I whisper to myself whilst looking in the body length mirror leaning against my room wall, running my hand through my long straight dark brown hair, I grab a brush and quickly brush my hair in a attempt to at least make myself look presentable. I took out my foundation and put some on my pale face to hide the imperfections, not bothering with anything else I glance in the mirror one last time, sigh and walk out to the kitchen. Sighing in the mirror has become a routine now, every single time.

"Sleeping beauty has finally got up" my mum laughed as she walked up to me handing me a plate with two toasts on it, I gave her a sweet smile and plopped myself on the couch next to George who didn't even bother turning to look at him as he was in his own world staring at the small tv screen.
"Bye mum" I shout, grabbing my bag from the chair next to the window, "I'll be home at 1" I shout quickly shutting the door behind me.

It's 12 now, one more hour and I'm free for the day, I smile to myself whilst walking to my next class.
"Wel, well, well" I heard a familiar voice from behind me say.

I could already feel the bruises on my hips and collarbones forming even though no one has touched me yet. Yet.

"Look whose here" Justin laughed from behind me, "it's fatty Summer" he said, I could feel the stinging in my eyes as I walked, trying to ignore him.

"Stop walking you bitch, that's a lot of exercise for you" he laughed as so did the people behind him. I stopped turning around on my heel, I looked at him, "yes?" I said politely, looking straight at him, trying to keep my confidence up.

"Oh so now you learnt to talk?" He asks, walking up to me and slamming me against the lockers, "don't fucking talk to me you fat whore" he shouts in my ear, I almost start to cry then he lets go of me as I fall to the ground. He kicks me as I try to stand up but fail every time.

I could feel everything. Not just the physical pain but emotional pain. The things he said to me. God I am sick of it, sick of all the bullying and never doing anything about it. I'm so done.
"Please.. S-stop" I plead through the sobs, as I expected him to stop, he kicked me straight in the face and I cried out in pain.
"Stupid bitch" he repeated, leaving me sobbing in the corner of the hallway. I stood up quickly and ran to the nearest girls bathroom, holding onto the sink I stare at myself. He's right. I'm fat, ugly and a whore. 

I'm a insecure mess.

I tried to get myself together, grabbing toilet paper and trying to rub off the blood from my nose but it just kept coming out, I gave up and decided to go to the nurses office.

"Summer, oh dear what happened?" The nurse asked putting her hand on my shoulder gesturing for me to sit down.

Quick make up a lie.

"I just.." I blurt out, come on Summer, anything, "I walked into a open locker" I said, hopeful she would believe me.

"Well aren't you clumsy" she laughed and started cleaning me up.

"You're all done" she smiles and opens the door for me and gives me a note saying I was with her.

Biology. Great.

I sat at the back of the classroom, staring at the teacher writing something I really didn't care about on the white board behind him. I just want to go home and lay in bed all day and cry myself to sleep, as per usual. I glance at the clock on the wall next to me. 12:54. Just six more minutes.

"Before you go, I will be paring you up with someone of the opposite gender to you so you can work on the project together, obviously outside of school" Mr Barnes explains. I sigh, rubbing my eyes with my hands listening to the name being called out until he got to mine.

"Summer Smith" he says, I look up pleading to myself that it's not someone I hate. "Joshua Lawrence" he reads out. I gasp, relived it's not Justin or someone.

"Sir.. Joshua is on holiday for a few weeks" someone says, I snap my head towards the person that just spoke up. Oh for fucks sake.

"Right" the teacher looks at his note pad in his hand and finally writes something down.
"Justin Bieber" Mr Barnes says, "with Miss Smith" he tells us.

"Oh no" I whisper to myself quickly shutting my eyes, I quickly opened them as soon as I heard the bell ring, I grabbed my stuff and tried to leave as soon as possible but couldn't from all the people pushing and shoving.

Hearing laughter behind me, I turn around and face a amused Justin with two of his friends leaning against the wall, staring at me, laughing. I look at them confused, "what" I say, genuinely not knowing what in the world is so funny, except my face that is.

"Today. 3pm. Meet me at the small coffee shop in Times Square" he smirked walking up to me, I quickly backed away from him, scared he was gonna hurt me but instead he pushed me forcefully but gently against the wall, taking his hand up to my cheek, softly caressing it up my jaw and to my ear then slowly down the side of my neck. Oh god. I felt shivers running all over my body as he stood in front of me, so close I could barely move. I could feel his hot breathe on my ear as he whispered, "sweet cheeks" softly in my ear. All I could do right there was stand completely still, holding my breath and biting on my bottom lip in fear and pleasure. He could feel I was enjoying it as he smirked running his hand down my boobs and to my waist.

"You like that?" He whispered in my year slowly, sending shivers down my spine, I could feel my cheeks heat up. He then slowly moved away from me towards the door

"I love the effect I have on you" he smirked, throwing his hood up on his soft chestnut brown hair which was styled up in a quif.

"What the fuck just happened?" I whispered to myself breathing heavily as I ran out of the school. When I got to my building - to which I ran to all the way - I leaned against the brick wall with my hand on my heart, breathing heavily, holy fuck, that's a lot of exercise for me, I laughed to myself.

This is my first story, tell me if you like it?:)
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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