Venom that has a bite. ow and my dads a vampire slayer.

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"Fight, fight, fight" They all chanted.

I through a left punch then brought my right arm across.

I had beasted him!

'Ding, Ding'

The fight was over.

Okay I'm a girl, my name is called Boston, Boston Simmons. I live with my dad in a house that's like MASSIVE! My mum left us, she said and I quote 'you're not worthy and not good enough to call you mine anymore!' she left when I was five and well I'm now fifteen.

I'm not your average normal girl as you can tell. I am a black belt and some may say a master of all martial arts. That was my dad's idea, very protective hehe. A master of samurai sword skills and love fencing with my best friend Carter. From the 'Ding, Ding' I am now the youngest wrestler...they don't know I'm a girl what a surprise my component will have. I am also a well known women boxer. Some say I fight dirty but it's all the martial arts ;). With boxing I prefer fighting the men...they put up more of a struggle.

My house is well as I have already said huge. I buy and sell horses but have stopped lately as haven't had the time so I just have Jacko, my dad's and Rudinski's Playboy which is mine. I have a groom who I asked daddy to build a house for...she loves me for it.  I have a go at rodeo now and again but prefer the English country side to have a good blast.

Every weekend without fail, me and dad go paintballing. And in between all this I drive my restored old Austin mini to school. Yes I know I'm 15 but I'll explain later. I'm in year eleven at secondary school and achieve my A's-A*s. I always love electronics as I'm advanced in this so I get taught differently to the other pupils. Hacking into the school system is like breathing is to us. Normal.

I ran to the showers to clean myself up. Blood and sweat covered me from the other component. Come on I didn't even hit him that hard. Yet again my dad waited for me in the changing rooms. A large smile spread across his face. I smiled and took a breath in. I suddenly winced at the pain my ribs screamed out at me. My dad was at my side felling where the rib was, he strapped it up and gave me a shot of painkillers. After that I manovered my shoulder back into the socket with a loud pop. It happens all the time...I'm use to it know though. 

Did I tell you Dave a top class surgeon? Nope...well now you know.

He hurried me to show me my prize what I had one for winning the fight. Then he told me I could see his new car. Yay for me....note the sarcasm!

"WOW" was all I could say.

"I take it you like it then Boston?" my dad said with a hint of duh in there.

I just nodded.

It was a Mazda RX-8...In Black.

I ran to the door, opened it expecting to swing into my legs...can you tell I do that a lot. Instead they were butterfly doors. My nose got wacked instead.

I'm in heaven!

I just stood there and stared. At that point a figure rushed in front of me and ran to the passenger seat. I blinked and noticed it was dad.

I gulped!

I looked, well actually glared at his face, he lifted his hand and smiled an evil smile in my direction and then he cackled...he cackled...My dad a big business man.

"THINK FAST" he shouted and chucked the keys into my face. With a very powerful throw.

I still stood in amazement while holding the keys inches from my right eye.

"Happy birthday!" he whispered...but I heard, I stood there again smiling and also jumping on the spot and quiet high at that. "Now...are you going to drive me home?"

Venom that has a bite. ow and my dads a vampire slayerWhere stories live. Discover now