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He did it. He betrayed his school friends, leaving them dead, imprisoned, alone. He had made many enemies in the process of doing so. And now he was in hiding. Hiding from those who had been friends, hiding from those who had been allies. He hid with wizards. He listened as they discussed the downfall of his master. He listened as they talked about it less and less until the fall of the Dark Lord was seldom mentioned. He watched as their youngest son grew up. He acted the part of a good pet, enduring sweaty hands holding him and too tight grips nearly crushing his rodent ribs. He waited and listened because he would return. He would have power again. He just needed his master to be powerful enough to protect him. To ensure his safety. He would be forgiven once his master returned, but until then, he would wait.

They called him Scabbers. But his true name was Peter Pettigrew.

This is his story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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