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Days have gone by, whith much the same activity.  We move through the motions of living while really we are all just waiting on a very delicate cliff.  There are so many ways that this could go.  We wake up, eat, make small talk, sit, eat, try for talking, fail,, sit, eventually fall asleep.  Liam has taken to alternating who he sits by during the day, but at night the staff insists that he is in the room with Niall and I.   There have been a few scares but nothing new.  

Now that I am officially "one of the girls" I look back and really wish that if staying on the outside would have meant Niall still being okay, then i would go back gladly.  I know that I can't go back in time and change it.   

If anything has changed it would be that Liam has gotten more upset.  He tries to hide it, but there are three of us and a whole medical staff.   That right there isn't an easy task.  His attempted ways of concealing his emotions are what I suppose are typical of most people.  He will lay in his bed and be 'asleep' but if i glace up he is awake just staring into space, or he will turn away from me, though his shoulders shake enough for me to know that he is crying.   Each morning the dark circles under his eyes darken until eventually the doctors have him sedated.   

Today was just the same, until about lunch time.   I had gone into the small bathroom attached to our room to take a shower.  From with in the shower I hear alarms going off like crazy.  Wrapping myself up in my robe I rush out into the room without another thought.  The alarms are coming from Niall.  I can see that he is awake, with some of the problems from the last few days the doctors had ended up putting a tube down Niall's throat so that he could breathe.  Now this tube is the cause of his panic, his hands are up and he is trying to pull it out by himself.  

I reach him and pull his hands back down to his sides.  The fear is evident in his eyes, quietly I talk to him.  The doctors arrive and start the process of removing the tube.  They need him to relax, I sit right next to his ear and talk to him, slowly calming him down so that they can do what they need to without sedating him.   Finally he is free of that tube.   I can see his perfect lips once again, they curve into a smile as he scoots over to let me on the bed next to him.  I curl up, with my head on his shoulder.  His hand reaches up to push my wet hair behind my ear.   He lowers his head next to my ear, his voice is hoarse as he says, " I love you."

Hearing his voice again, along with it accompaning those words makes my head spin.  I lift up my head and kiss him.  " I love you." He smiles happily as do I.  Perrie and Eleanor soon come in and chuckle to find us cuddled up like this.  Our intimacy doesn't seem to phase them in the slightest, seening as the just pulled up chairs to talk to us.  I guess this is just one of those perks that comes with belonging.  Niall isn't supposed to be talking much so I fill them in on the events of the afternoon.  They hadn't heard the alarms because lunch was being served and they had gone down to get some.  

Even though they are obviously over joyed for Niall to be awake and well again, the sadness is cemented in their features.  None of the others have even stirred.  After quite some time they start to say their goodnights, to head back to the other room.  They come and give Niall hugs, then start for the door.  Just as there is a familiar yell from the other room. 


Goodness, it has been an awful long time since I updated.  Sorry about that, things got super busy here.  Anyhoo I will be trying to update more often.  Also check out my other story called Perfect Half. I will be updated both more frequently from here on out.   Thank you so much for your support!  Please vote, comment and share! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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