"Run," - MariBlanc

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I honestly have the weirdest ships ever.


"I can give you the power. I can give you a chance," a voice in his head spoke. 

Chat sat there on Eiffel Tower, alone in the night. 

"A chance?" he replied, not really knowing what the voice meant. He was feeling so alone, so down. His father didn't like him. His friends didn't know all of him and the only person he loved - Ladybug - didn't have feelings for him whatsoever. 

"A chance for you to be a hero. You can be greater than Ladybug. You can be the one people notice, not her," he had to admid, it sounded tempting. But he couldn't do that to his lady. 

"She's the hero, not me. I wasn't meant to be," he replied. He actually liked not being in spotlight for once. 

"Yeah, but you're never noticed. And as your secret indentity, you're noticed only for your looks," the voice in his head said. 

"You know who I am?" Chat asked. 

"Yes, Adrien. I do know," that broke him down. He started crying. 

"Just bring me Ladybug's miraculous," with that, Chat Noir stood up. A black and purple smoke covered him and a few seconds later, his suit wasn't black as night anymore. It was white like the first snow, which falls so peacefully and nobody bothers it. 

His eyes weren't esmerald dimonds anymore. They were yellow, like the real cat's eyes are. He smirked to himself. He felt more powerful than before.

"Now, do your part, and I'll do mine," the voice said, before totally left. 

"Ladybug, here I come,"


Marinette was done with her patrol. It felt weird, because Chat didn't show up. She landed in a dark alley and transformed into Marinette. She didn't want to tire Tikki, more than she should. 

She sighed, as she walked downstreet, going slowly, since she didn't feel like rushing. 

"Oh Marinette," she stopped when the voice called her. She would know that voice anywhere. 

"Chat.. Chat Noir?" she asked suprised. 

"Chat Blanc, actually," her eyes went wide, when he said his name. That means he's ... akumatized?

From the shadows there was a white cat coming out and looking at Marinette. 

"What a purrfect Princess that you are, doing here in the night alone?" he asked as he smirked at her. Her breath got caught in her throat, when she was roughly pushed agains the wall.

"Chat, what are you doing?" she asked. She never felt this scared, not even when he was on top of her with cataclysm in his hands last Valentine's day. 

She felt so small compare to him, exspecially now, when he was pushing her against the wall. 

"Oh Princess, are you scared?" his smirk didn't go anywhere. His lips were nearly touching hers and she tried to push him away. 

He had no idea she was that strong, but he managed to stay still. 

"Chat please," she wispered. His lips softly brushed against hers. She didn't know what he was capable of in this state. 

Unexpectedly he moved away from her. 

"Run," he wispered. "If I catch you, you're mine,"

He didn't have to tell her twice. She ran so fast, she didn't know if it was the inner Ladybug or just fear. She thought she lost him, but he knew better. 

Chat was sure, she would run home, so he took a shortcut and waited her there. He just waited in the shadows. 

When breathless Marinette finally came to her house, she leaned on the door frame. She wanted to enter the bakery, but a clawed hand stopped her. 

"Caught you," he smirked down at her. 

"Weren't y-you supposed to look for L-Ladybug?" she asked fearfully. 

"Yes, but who cares about her, when I have an equally beautiful Princess here," he replied before placing his lips to hers. She was suprised and wanted to pull away, but his grip on her hand was to much. 

She had no other option, but to return the kiss. He put the other hand on her back. She pushed one hand into his messy hair, the other one was carefully placed on his neck. 

They pulled away, and she had no idea how, but she wanted to kiss him again. 

"I will see you later, Princess," she had no idea what happened, but he disapeared as fast as he apeared. 

She swallowed hard, before entering the bakery. 


That night she couldn't sleep. The whole night she was thinking about the kiss. If Ladybug defeats him, he won't remember it. And she had no idea why it pained her so much. She loves Adrien, right?

That day Adrien was nowhere to be seen. His friends just shrugged it off, since it happened often. Some unexpected photoshoot or something. 

The shook hit the class, when Natalie entered the classroom. 

"May I speak to Adrien?" she asked, but Mrs. Bustier, just looked at her weirdly. "I'm sorry Miss. He didn't come to school today," 

The shock the whole class was pulled in was really weird. 

"I'm sorry. It might be that I checked his schedule wrong," she smiled apologetically. The whole class calmed down, but Natalie was worried. She checked his schedule, right. Heck, she had it memorized. She had to tell his father. 

It wasn't until later this day, that he was declared missing. Marinette swallowed tears. Where was he? What happened to him?

Her parents weren't home, since they had to deliver a cake. She entered the room and laid on her bed. 

"You know, you have a great taste in clothes," she squicked and looked at the cat-boy infront of her. He was looking at her wall where her designs were pinned on. 

"H-How did you g-get in here?" she asked and he smirked, as he turned around to face her. 

"You're forgetting you have balcony, Princess," he said and moved closer to her. She stood up from the bed and stepped a few steps back. 

"Still afraid of me? I thought that kiss meant something," he smiled at her. But it wasn't a smirk. It was a smile. 

"I-uh..-" she couldn't finish the sentence, because she didn't know how. 

"Why do you seem so sad?" he asked, moving closer again.

"I-I.. My classmate went missing t-today," she hated herself for stuttering so much.

"Oh yeah, that boy Adrien Agreste," he said. "Nothing big. Why so much fuss about it?"

That made Marinette really angry. She stepped closer to him, nearly so close their noses were touching. 

"Nothing big?! Are you nuts? He is my friend and he's missing! And you tell me nothing big!?" she yelled at him. He was taken back from the tone of her voice. He had never seen her so pissed off. 

"No, I really don't get it," he replied, trying to get her even angrier. 

"Get out!" she yelled. He just smirked. "I don't think it works like that," he replied.

"Oh I think it does."

"I will, if you kiss me," he smirked. He saw he made her even angrier. He already saw flames in her eyes. Her hand went up, but he caught it before it could collide with his face. 

"Wrong move, Princess," he said and pulled her foward, so she fell onto his chest. She was still looking at his yellow eyes.

"You know I prefer green ones," she said.

"Your problem," he said and kissed her.


should i make part two?

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