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"I can't believe you're not coming" I said pouting.
"I'm sorry but my mum said no".
I frowned babyishly even though I knew he couldn't see me through the phone .
"But everyone is gonna be there with their boyfriends except me" I whined .
James always cancels on me, you'd think that I'll be used to it by now.
"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do about it".
"Ok fine, but promise me you'll come next time".
"Ok, bye baby".

I lay on my bed and looked at my clock, it was twelve. I only had two hours till the biggest party of the year. Partyfest. Almost everyone in town was going to be there.

I took out my phone and texted my best friend, Kevin.
Me: R u going for party fest??
Kevin: obviously who isn't
Me: James 😔
Kevin: dw I'll keep u company
Me: thnx, I'm gonna get ready

I got up and opened my closet. It was filled with clothes but I always seemed to have nothing to wear. But then something caught my eye in the corner. It was a sparkly pink crop top with a bow back. I pared it with high waisted jeans and purple converse.

Whiles I was doing my make up, I heard the bell ring. I didn't even have to check to know who it was. I rushed down the stairs and opened the front door.

"Hey doll!!!" Karen squealed, pulling me into a hug.
"Hi Karen!" I replied, barely able to breathe in her tight embrace.
"Are you ready to go?" She asked.
"Yh, let me just get my bag".
I grabbed my bag from the kitchen table and jumped into the passenger seat of Karen's Toyota Camry 2016. She had begged for this car since it came out and her parents finally bought her one."Partyfest here we come"

The ride to Partyfest went along quickly, mostly because we were singing (screaming) to Melanie Martinez during the whole ride there.

We got down from the car and my jaw dropped. The place was decorated beautifully in carnival colors, people were walking around having fun.

After only five seconds of being there, Karen spotted some of her friends and left me on my own. So I started my search for Kevin.

Me: I'm hereee, where r u??
Kevin: with Hope in the line for the haunted house 😈
Me: ok I'm on my way, tell Hope that I said hi 😌

I followed the signs leading to the haunted house and at last found them at the end of the line.
" Hey Marissa" Hope said, giving me a quick hug
"The first person to scream in the haunted house has to buy the rest snow cones" I said
"Deal" Kevin said, shaking my hand

Thirty minutes later, we had finally reached the front of the line. The ticket collector came to us and said " Sorry the haunted house is now closed"
I bowed my head down in disappointment. The haunted house was the only thing that I was really looking forward to.
"Don't worry,Marissa, we'll find something else to do" Kevin said sympathetically, putting his arm around me.
The feeling of his touch made my heart beat faster, but I tried my best to stop it. Reminding myself to forget what happened on Wednesday...
Me: Kevin
Kevin: Yh
Me: I think I like u but I can't
Kevin: but u have a BF
Me: Ik
Kevin: I like u too
" how about we go and sit at the back" Hope suggested
"But what about the pageant" I asked
"Who cares about it" Kevin muttered walking towards the back.

We were almost there when I realized that to get to the back we would have to pass through the dark alleyway.
On each side of the alley there were broken down buses where suspicious men sat and got drunk.
Fear run down my spine as we neared it.
Then we all started to run.

It's times like this that i wish I was better in gym class. We ran until we had reached the back. I sat down on the stone slab trying to catch my breath.

The three of us stayed there for about an hour chatting about the most random things, before Hope got a text.
" guys I have to go" she sighed bowing her head
"Nooooo!" I said getting up to lead her to the gate
"I'll just wait here" Kevin announced
"Ok, then keep my bag" I said handing it over to him

There was that feeling in my heart again during the half second that our hands touched. But again, I ignored it. MARISSA YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND.

When I got back to Kevin, he was sitting silently, looking up at the sky.
I lay on his lap and joined him.

"There are no stars in the sky tonight " I said in a whispery tone
" but the sky is still as beautiful as ever" he whispered back, finishing my sentence.

I got up from his lap and looked at him. There was something in the night sky that made him feel perfect. Something that brought out my feelings for him. Something that made me want to....

"What are you thinking about so deeply" he asked looking at me, his eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't read.
"I want to do something," I replied looking at him, heart racing. " but I don't know how and I know I'm going to regret it later"

"Does it end with an S?"
I nodded
"And another S"
I nodded
"And an I and a K"
I nodded and looked down, not knowing what to say or do.

And with that he brushed my hair back, and brought me closer....

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