#9 His Girlfriend Does Something But Blames It On You Pt. 1 (BSM)

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If I use your name for one of the girlfriends you may change it to what you wish. Also Ashton's doesn't quite follow the title so it's slightly different to the others! :)

Luke (you're 12 y/o): You were sat at the dinner table finishing some of your maths homework when your older brother Luke barged in shouting your name."Y/N! I'm home!" "LUKE!" you shouted loudly running into his arms as he held them open for a hug, laughing at your urgency. You haven't seen him in three months since he has been traveling a little and preparing for the bands next tour. "How are you munchkin?" He asked, ruffling your hair. "I'm gre-" "LUKE! Come help me with my bags please!" You heard her voice screech loudly. Your face dropped as soon as you realised who it was. It was Luke's girlfriend Sierra. When you first met her you thought she was great. She was pretty and cool and you loved her style but not long after meeting her she turned into a witch. She would sneer at you and make nasty comments about you whenever you were near. You learnt to just ignore it but you were starting to get tired of her crap. "I'll be right back okay." He said before walking out the door. You nodded your head and sat on the couch in the living room to wait for him. When he finished helping Sierra with her bags you shouted to him "Luke! Come watch a movie with me!" You always loved watching films with Luke, it was your 'thing'. You heard footsteps and you turned around with a huge grin on your face. It dropped as soon as you saw Sierra. "Oh, hi Sierra" you said with a straight tone. "Don't sounds too exited Y/N, Luke is all mine tonight so don't expect him to spend tonight hanging out you, little girl." She smirked as she saw your glossy, sad eyes. "There's no need to be so rude you know," as you said beginning to get angry. "Luke is my big brother and I haven't seen him for months! You see him every day! Why can't you just let me see him for one night!" You stood up feeling your face turn red and hot with anger. "Don't give me that tone little girl, or else you'll get what's coming to you." Sierra said sternly. "Bite me." You smirked. Sierra looked over both of her shoulders as she moved her hand to grip the necklace Luke bought her for their first anniversary last week. She pulled down hard and the piece fell to the floor, crystals shattering on the floor with a loud crack. You looked up at her with your mouth wide open, shocked why she would ruin such a lovely present. "LUKE!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She began to sob as she knelt next to the broken necklace. Luke ran into the room looking alarmed. "What's wrong Sierra?! Are you okay?!" He exclaimed as he knelt next to her. "She broke my necklace. When I told her we were going out for dinner she grabbed it and pulled it from my neck! I told you she was jealous of me!" She sobbed into her hands. You were absolutely fuming. What is wrong with her?! Why is she trying to make you look bad?! You laughed lightly, "you're so pathetic Sierra. Just stop it before you embarrass yourself even more." You couldn't believe how stupid she was being, as if Luke would ever tale her side! Right? "Y/N! How dare you speak to Sierra like that! You can be such a horrible brat sometimes!" He shouted. You've never seen him so angry before. He's never been angry with you, ever! "As if you believe her! You know I would never do something like that!" You couldn't decipher why he doesn't believe you. "I don't know Y/N, I don't think I even know who you are anymore." He was so disappointed in you, for something you haven't even done! He and Sierra walked out of the room, her smirking at you as she followed Luke.

Michael (you're 17 y/o):
As you trudged home from school in the pouring rain, you've never felt more lonely. Your mother has been working night shifts almost everyday of the week as a midwife and your older brother Michael has been on tour with his band 5 Seconds of Summer. You've had to look after yourself for pretty much your entire life. Michael has always been the golden child, so talented and funny and popular. So much more than you felt you could ever be. You used to love Michael! He was your best friend, but once the band started taking off the fame went straight to his head and he changed. Not for the good. Not only was life hard at home, it was even worse at school. Your best friend Lily humiliated you at lunch in the canteen when she spilt her tub of spaghetti bolognese all over your crisp white school shirt. On purpose. She's dating the star football player Jack Ryan now and shes trying to prove she's good enough by acting like the populars. You've always had the dawning feeling of loneliness when you're at home, but you never expected to feel the same in school. You pulled out the keys from your pocket as you unlocked the front door to your house and as you stepped in you were shocked to hear a very loud "SURPRISE!" You looked up from the floor and you saw your mother and all of Michael's old school friends holding streamers and a banner reading 'Welcome Home!' Naturally you assumed it wasn't for you. "Y/N you look absolutely disgusting! Go and clean yourself up! You're embarrassing me!" Your mum exclaimed as she saw you're stained shirt and messy, wet hair. You ran up the stairs and launched yourself into your bed. You just wished today could be over with already. As you sat up to get ready to have a shower, you heard the second round of "SURPRISE!" Michael must be here. You ignored the excited chatter from downstairs as you stepped into the bathroom but you were shocked to see Michael's girlfriend Crystal stood playing with her hair looking at the mirror. Crystal has never bothered with you, she doesn't hate you but she doesn't necessarily like you either. "Sorry, I didn't realise you were in here." You said as you turned to leave. "Ew why do you look so dirty. You always look disgusting when I see you." She said with a nasty look on her face. You looked back at her shocked as she's never spoken to you before, never mind it being something nasty. "Excuse me?" You said with your mouth slightly parted with shock. You looked down as you saw her hand move to your mothers favourite fancy soap dispenser. She used her hand to swipe it off the table and it fell to the ground and shattered into tiny pieces, one of them landing on your foot and you winced at the sharp pain as it pierced your skin and it started to bleed. "Ow what the hell!" You exclaimed. You heard someone say from behind you, "what happened here?!" You turned around and saw Michael and your mother looking confused. As you opened your mouth to speak, Crystal beat you to it by saying, "I was just touching up my make up when Y/N walked in and practically threw the dispenser at me! It smashed on the floor but I couldn't stop her! I think she's trying to ruin your party Michael!" You looked up at him as you began to defend yourself but he was seething. "How dare you Y/N! You're so selfish! And look at the state of you, you're so disgusting!" You couldn't believe that he had believed a single word that left her mouth. You looked over at your mum hoping she would back you up but she looked just as angry. "I don't know what's gotten into you Y/N but you're not the daughter i raised and love." You couldn't believe your ears! You practically sprinted to your room and collapsed by the door as you started to cry.

Ashton (you're 24 years old):
You couldn't believe the day was almost here! Your wedding was in three days time and you couldn't wait to marry the love of your life. Your brother Ashton was taking some time off of writing the album with the boys to attend your big day. To make things even better you and your bridal party are going to pick up your dress! You couldn't wait to try it on with your veil, a family heirloom passed down through three generations of women in your family. It's outlined with delicate lace and small sparkles that shine in the light. The only downside to this day is you had to invite your brothers girlfriend Summer. When they first dated they were really good friends but since your engagement she has been so off with you. She wouldn't reply to your messages and she'd ignore you at family parties. With so much planning for the wedding you haven't really had time to talk to her about it so you just hope today isn't too awkward.  You were sat with your bridal party waiting for Summer to arrive. Ashton told her to be at the bridal shop for 2pm.... it was 2:45pm. "Y/N, maybe we should start without her?" Your mum said softly as she put her hand on your shoulder. "No I don't want to do this without her." Your mum knows how much you love Summer, even though she's ignoring you. "I'm sure she'll be here soon." You said quietly. What if she didn't come though? Does she really hate you that much that she wouldn't come? You heard a bell chime loudly, piercing through the silence. You looked over and saw Summer with an uncomfortable look on her face. "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late, I was cought up with something." The awkward silence was unbearable so you slapped your knees and stood up. "Now everyone's here who wants to see the dress?!" The mood immediately lifted and everyone cheered a yes! Everyone cheered when you walked out in your dress and veil, you looked absolutely stunning and you welled up when you looked in the mirror. You couldn't believe you were looking at yourself and that you looked so beautiful. You turned around and everyone seemed so happy except for Summer. You felt sad that she wasn't enjoying this special moment with you so you spoke up. "Summer whats wrong? Do not like it?" She just shrugged and didn't look at you. "Come on, I really value your opinion!" You knew you were forcing it a little bit but you just wanted her to say something. Anything. "It's alright I guess." She once again shrugged. "Alright? Is that it?" "What do you want me to say Y/N?" You could feel her getting angry. "I just want you to tell me the truth! You've been so weird with me the last few months!" You let out all of your pent up frustrations even though you could see the rest of your bridal party starting to feel uncomfortable. "I don't care about your shitty wedding okay?! I don't care about you so just leave me alone!" She shouted as she ran out of the shop.

Calum: You and your best friend Ellie we're chilling in your room listening to music softly in the background as you were messing around. You best friend was also your brother's girlfriend. At first you found it strange as you all grew up together but everyone had bets it was going to happen eventually! All three of you still hung out together though, with no awkwardness. Calum was on his way home from tour with his band 5 Seconds of Summer. You and Ellie both can't believe that you would watch them play at Luke's house and now they are playing in huge venues and travelling all around the world. You were both so proud of all of them, but especially Calum (obviously). You had both decided it would be funny to pull a prank on Calum by hiding in his room and jumping out at him when he got home but you both got so distracted by messing with his old things in his room that have been untouched for months. You were laughing at some of his old toys when you heard a bass guitar being strummed and when you turned around you saw Ellie holding Calum's first bass guitar that he got for his 10th birthday. It was his most prized possession and you knew how important it was to him. Ellie laughed as she kept strumming they strings badly when you finally said, "okay enough is enough now let's leave his stuff alone and find a good hiding spot." She laughed and said, "don't be so boring Y/N! It's just toys!" You rolled your eyes at her. "It's not just toys now Ellie, that guitar is special to him so put it down!" You started to get frustrated as she wasn't listening to you. "Hahaha watch this!" You saw her swing the guitar above her head and you cringed as you saw her hit the guitar on the ground, crushing it. "Oh my god Ellie what did you do!!" You fan over and grabbed the guitar out of her hands as you assessed the damage. "What is going on in here?!" You both jumped as you heard Calum shout from the doorway. He was looking at the broken instrument in your hand and as you tried to explain Ellie said, "We were messing around and Y/N accidentally broke it! I told her not to touch it though! You were gobsmaked at what Ellie said. You couldn't believe she tried to blame this on you. "How could you Y/N!? You know this is important to me! You are the worst sister ever!" He stormed out of the room and Ellie followed with a guilty look on her face.

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