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At Party...

Dillyn Pov
Man this party lit as fuck. Bitchs everywhere. I think i might fuck me a couple bad hoes tonight.
Aye bra bra this bitch lit glad im single im finna bag hella hoes tonight. Armon said to me as he walked off with a lil bad one lol dat nigga.

Skii Pov
It is hella people in here tonight for my boy's.
Girl you see all these thirsty hoes in here. Lia say to me as we walk off to the bar. Girl yes but they better back the fuck off that one right there. I say pointing at Lucas. Oh so what's up with yall? I heard yall arguing earlier. He told me he was going to ask you to be his girl. Lia says. Oh yeah but i told him not right now. So we just us. I tell her. Yeah i understand but you know he aint gone give up lol. She say as we laugh. Yo what up ma can i get at you for a minute. Some guy say to me wtf like nigga you and everybody in here know im low key with Lucas. Even tho i am single an he fine as fuck but No im not that type. Umm excuse me what. I say to him. You heard me ma. So whats up yo boy leaving so im trying to get at you. He say to me.
Okay first off im not yo ma nor am i yo boo. Second everyone know about me and Lucas and the fact that he moving dont change shit. So with all that being said get the fuck up out my face. I yell to him over the music. And this just stands there. Look fuck dat nigga come fuck wit a winner. He say to me as he grab my hand trying to get me to dance with him wtf. No dont fucking touch me bitch nigga. I say to him as i snatch away from him.

Lucas Pov
I was chilling dancing clownin wit my bros. When Vier elbowed me.
Yo Lucas bro wtf. He say pointing over at Skii. And i instantly get lit as fuck💯💯💯 wtf yo. Then me and the bros make our way over there. With me walking full speed ahead.

Fuck going on fuck nigga and why the fuck is you touching my girl nigga. I say to this bitch as i pull Skii behind me.
Fuck you Lucas witcho bitch ass ill take yo bitch. This nigga say to me as he swing on me but miss. Then i knocked his ass out. Lucas baby stop. My girl yells trying to pull me off the nigga. So i just stoped cause i know im scarring my baby. So then his boy came up and helped his bitch as friend up an they left out.

Baby you alright. I asked her as she kissed my lips. Yeah im okay baby. She says to me.
Then we all get back to the party. Me and my baby had all eyes on us as we was dancing/freaking on the dance floor lol.

After the party was over we all headed back to the girls place. Since we moved out our old spot.

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