Part 1

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*~Phil's POV~*

"Philip!" My father's voice echoed the corridor as he made his way to the throne room, where I was currently lounging on his throne. I scrambled quickly to sit in my own throne properly, and as soon as I was settled the doors were flung open. "Philip-"

"Phil. It's Phil, dad." He rolled his eyes at me.

"You can be called whatever you want when you're king, but for now, it's Philip." I groaned at him. "Speaking of you becoming king," He sat on his throne, turning to me, "You must-"

"Find someone! Yes, yes I know. But I want love, and love is hard to find when royalty."

"Your mother and I just want you to be happy! We were lucky, yes, but I want you to find someone who interests you by next month. We're having a ball tomorrow, and in a couple weeks, so just... Try to find someone?" He patted my shoulder before leaving again.

Did he know how much I despised the balls and parties I'm forced to go to? I'd rather stay in my room, watching the moving pictures, movies I think they called them, that the wizards made. They're extraordinary, really! It's as if watching the scene unfurl before you, yet it's not! It shows you of far off places, which I doubt I'd ever see on my own accord, but not only do the show you places you could go, but places that are completely mythical. Places that you wish were real! Places where everyone understands, and respects your decisions...

I sighed, getting up and started heading towards my chambers. Who knows... Maybe something good will happen tomorrow!

I laughed out loud at my ridiculous thought. Nothing good is going to happen tomorrow. I'll bet my favorite outfit on it.

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