Part 6

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"Really? So... You think this is the passage from the one legend? That of the two lovers?"

He nodded his head, our position causing him to rub against my hair. "I believe so Danny."

This is the sign. This is the sign that I needed to push us together. We shall marry! Right after he gives a proper proposal.

"So, does that mean..." I felt my cheeks burn at my inquiring.

He pulled back and looked at me devilishly. "We shall marry!"

I looked to him, "Is this a proposal? Not very romantic..." I smirked at him slightly, knowing he knew what I was getting at. "Not even a ring..." I sighed, then tutted dramatically when he suddenly gasped and started smacking around him body, looking for something.

He must have found it for he stopped flailing about, and retrieved the item in his hands, which he hid from me. I tilted my head slightly and gave him my best confused look.

"I found something in the old peasants' room. It's antique, might need a little cleaning, but it's sturdy, beautiful, and will last a long while!" He pulled his hands out from behind him to reveal an intricately designed ring. It seemed to have pictures moving over. "Daniel James Howell, will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honors of being my husband?"

I squealed and tackled him, "Yes, yes, a million times yes!" I pulled back enough to see his sparkling blue orbs before he leaned forward again, attaching our lips.

The rare explosions of light in the night sky.

The chimes of the chapel bells.

My first kiss and the best there ever shall be with the best I know.

We broke shortly before kissing once again. I was wrong. Its better each time but still with the best person I know. It was in this kiss in which he slid the ring on my finger, seemingly to fit perfectly, as we wrapped around each other again.

*~Phil's POV~*

It wasn't long after that we decided to explore the rooms. More appeared as we went; a kitchen, a dining area, a lounge, a small throne room, and finally a nursery.

The nursery was equipped quite fully; everything needed to raise a child was found.


We were back to the middle room, hoping to find a way out, though none was to be found.

"Maybe we should go through the way I entered?" I spoke up quietly.

"Lets try it!" We ran to the old wooden door and opened it, only to find a wall standing behind it. "The other?"

We turned to the fanciful door reluctantly. It was far too bright, but our last way to leave. We opened it, finding the golds and riches that poured out. "We mustn't touch anything apart from the other, remember."

We walked the room, clinging to the other as not to touch the too-shiny objects. We reached the door in no time, opening it to find the throne room which we entered. What we weren't shown through the passage was the people congregated in the room. How could I forget the weekly meetings we have with those we rule over?

Everyone was staring at our wrapped together figures, so I untangled the both of us except for our hands which I kept intertwined. "So sorry we're late everyone! We sort of got a wee bit lost and lost track of time."

I led Dan to the front, where the thrones lie and found another was set in next to mine. They must have expected him to be here for this. I waited for him to sit before I followed suite, looking to those in front of us. The complaints and reports continued as normal except they had another in council before them.

A speech of trade came before us and it so happened to involve Dan's kingdom. I turned to him when he spoke, eager to hear his opinions.

"Our kingdom would love to open up our trading ports and routes to those here in this kingdom and many others, but in the times we've tried... It only seemed to end in failure for reasons we could not compromise. It seems you've been in trade long enough; would you perhaps know anything of it?"

"You want trade? All the times we've crossed the territorial borders with our fares, we've been told by the royal squire that you needn't not our wares. We left each time thinking that the royals are the ones who didn't want us on their lands... But by your speak, it seems to not be so."

"Our squire has disappeared few a time actually, but he never speaks of where he went or who sent him. The end of this next week is our trade fair. I will be needed at this time for my kingdom. My suggestion is to round up those who want to trade on our land and I will travel with the caravan. From there I'll find who's responsible, and make sure to keep the trade route up from then on. I know that some might be worried about missing the ball that will be held here around that time, but you mustn't worry." He looked over at me for the first time. "We adore the balls held in this here kingdom; we refuse to miss just a one!" He looked back at the older gentleman, "We will be traveling back then if you wish." I squeezed his hand, feeling the metal on his ring finger which caused me to smile.

The man looked to my parents and I for our say. "I believe that this is an excellent idea. I myself will join the caravan with Dan." I spoke while my parents both nodded.

The man spoke again. "You both will make wonderful kings, your sires."

We continued the process until the line was gone and everyone was in a seat, talking amongst themselves. My parents turned to us with smirks.

"Now what was that shiny glimmer I saw as you stumbled through the wall, Daniel?" My mother wriggled her ring finger slightly as not to have the people before us notice. Dan just blushed profusely as I tried to stammer out a sentence, failing miserably.

"You guys know perfectly well what it is..."

"Ooh! So when is it to be announced?" My father spoke with glee unhindered.

"I feel that the next ball would work quite well. I don't want anyone else to know just yet, not even my parents... It's quite a shame I'll have to hide this ring from others... It's beautiful, really!"

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