Chapter 5: a princess's wisdom

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Dark's P.O.V

I found (y/n) in the garden and we made our way to castle town. When we got there, what happened was just as I expected. Everyone started to run for their homes. Even though I enjoy screams, that's only when I'm killing my victims. Otherwise I just despised it. I let a growl emit from my lips and started to walk toward the north entrance. I was not going to go through this. That's when I felt someone grab my hand and start trying to pull me back. "You said you would come with me. Who cares what these people say. It doesn't matter. Just like you told me. You deserve better than what you have gotten so far. I want to be the one to help. But you can't leave me here alone. Besides if you do, I'll just end up being all alone with Link. If that's what you want then I'll just go on my own." I watched as she turned back around and headed toward Hyrule castle. I followed her, there was no way I was going to let HIM have her. When we reached Hyrule castle the guards stopped us. Well mostly me. "STOP RIGHT THERE DARK LINK!! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR TRYING TO TAKE A GIRL FROM OUR KINGDOM AND FOR THE MURDERS OF 5 CIVILIANS LAST WEEK!!!" The guards in front of the castle wall came charging at me. I put my hand on my sword, getting ready for a fight when (y/n) took my other hand and stood in front of me.

(Y/n) P.O.V

So he wasn't lying when he said they would come after him. I could tell he was getting mad about this because I saw him reach for his sword. I took his hand in stood in the middle of all of them. They were not going to turn this into a blood scene. I'm getting tired of all this fighting. "At ease my guards. There is no need to attack them. They are my guests. Their presence was granted. Let them through." I looked at who was talking and saw the pink dress. It was princess Zelda in the flesh. I know I shouldn't be surprised by now. Looking at her mesmerized me. She had the beauty of a thousand diamonds. Wonder what Dark was thinking about her. I looked at him and saw he showed no emotion on his face. His eyes were giving him away though. As if saying he did not want to be in her presence. He let a low growl escape from his lips. It seemed almost like a whisper. I wonder what history in between them. When I turned back around she was standing in front of me. I bowed to her, trying to give her respect. She was royalty after all. Even if Dark didn't like her. "You may stand child. Link has told me about you. I find it interesting that someone could frighten our hero of time. You amaze me. Come, we shall discuss your problem to great depth and find a solution for you."

She turned around and started making her way to the castle, with Dark and I behind her. "It has been a long time has it not Dark Link?" Zelda asked Dark Link, but he did not respond. He just continued following behind us. "Dark, shouldn't you answer her. She is the princess after all." I looked at him, but he didn't look back. "She is not my princess. I do not follow those with intentions unworthy of their role." Zelda laughed at that statement. I was just getting more confused about this with each second. "It was only a harmless request Darky~. It wouldn't hurt to try it. Besides, the only one who would feel pain would be me. And only that would last awhile. All of you problems in my kingdom would end if you just quit being so stubborn." I looked at him and saw something change in him. He looked as if he was about to kill her. I stood in front of him and whispered to him. "Why don't you go on ahead? We'll meet you soon." He looked at me showing no emotion. He just gave me a warning. "Be careful with her. If she is unable to help you, don't think I'm letting her go unpunished." He walked ahead of us. Heading towards the throne room. When he was gone Zelda stopped. "Finally, he's gone. Now to the real thing." She turned to me and started talking again. "He really cares about you, you know. You can tell he hates me. And all I wanted was to see how much he was like his other. But to get to what you came here for. May I see your dagger?"

I handed it to her and in barely any time she told me what the goddesses showed her. "Do you know who this dagger belongs to?" I nodded. "Yeah, my mother. Why?" "Your mother was the princess of a kingdom that used to be in Gerudo desert. I believe she tried to save it from destruction When Ganondorf was around. But was too late. So she left, trying to find a way to revive them. But she never came back. Your dagger can help you find that kingdom, and I will give you Link to help you. " we had finally gotten to the throne room when we heard arguing coming from inside.

Dark's P.O.V

"I don't understand why she would want to be with you. All you are is the shadow to such a perfect being as myself. You are nothing compared to me. I am better than you in every way." That blond idiot gets on my nerves "why is it so hard to believe that she would choose me. I'm the one that rescued her from that hell hole. And if it wasn't for you and that other blond dipshit. I wouldn't be hated as much as you fuckers have me!!" I reached for my sword, but something soft grabbed my hand instead. "He's not worth it Dark. I have what we came for. I'm ready to leave." Her voice was so sweet. So calming. I brought her hand around me and turned so we were facing each other. I hugged her. Taking in her beautiful aroma. "We can leave. I'll follow behind you." "Race you outside." She ran out the door and I started to run after her when I was stopped. "You really care for her Dark Link. I wish it was the same way with me. You must be careful with her though. She may not like what she sees when she understands everything. You have a requirement to show her the truth. Especially since it was Ganondorf who destroyed her life. Im also having Link accompanying you two on your journey."

We both looked at her and spoke at the same time. "What?!" " Uh yeah Zelda, are you crazy. if I go, im not going with him." "shut up you two. Link, you are supposed to be a hero. Try and deal with this just this once. It can't be that hard. Now go." I growled and teleported outside. I waited for (y/n) to come. When she did she was panting. "h-how...did you....beat me?" I laughed. "Never mind that princess. Let's go back home. We have a long journey awaiting us. Especially since Link will be accompanying us." "yeah. I know. I can't wait to get to know him more. I mean we are talking about the hero of ti-" I picked her up over my shoulder and made a portal to my castle. I took us threw it, putting us in her room. I dropped her on her bed. "this is your room, and you can decorate it anyway you want. I will see you tomorrow. And no more talk about those blond dipshits please. They already got on my nerves. I don't need to hear how much you adore them also." I left her room to go to mine. "this is going to be a long journey."

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