Chapter 10: The Rescue

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Turning around slowly to face the laughter I mother?. "M-mom?" I started walked to her when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. "Babe...that's not your mom... It's a trick." "You're a liar... It's my has to be..." I tried to escape Dark's arms, but he just seemed to hold on tighter. "My daughter~ it is so wonderful to see you again~" the figure was getting closer. Dark picked me up and started to walk away from her. So I started to hit him. "Let me go! I want my mother! I want to be with her again! She was the only one that loved me!" "Does my love for you mean nothing..." Those words hit me like cold water. " know I didn't mean it like that." he put me down and everything around us seemed to slow down. He had a cold glare in his eyes. As if the loving fire that was burning in them had been distinguished. "What did you mean by she's the only one who loves you. If she loved you she wouldn't have left you through death! I tried to rescue you from that hell because I loved you! Now I'm wondering what it is you actually think of I just some toy who you are playing with. A toy you will throw away once you are done with me!" Tears had flooded my eyes by now. Seeing myself reflecting in his now heartless ruby eyes made his words worse. So I ran past him. I heard Link and Jason screaming my name. My "mother" was laughing at what happened. My (h/c) hair was blowing in the wind and my purple and black dress was whipping around me as I ran. Trying to get away from the pain. Running away seemed to be the only thing I was good at.

As I was running I can across a cave. I went inside and held myself, sitting on the cold hard floor. I was trying to comfort myself, thinking about what he said. "was I really just treating him like a toy...this world seems to good to be true. "I want to disappear..." "I can grant that wish for you. But you have to come with me." I looked up to find my mother holding her hand out to me. "Are you really my mom?" My tears had dried. I was missing Dark Link but I don't want to face him after what had happened. "I am your mother sweetie. My spirit was encased in the family dagger. I came back to help you. I can make all your problems go away." I looked at her skeptical. But why shouldn't I believe her. I'm in a world that I always thought was a part of a video game. So what do I have to lose. I took a hold of her hand and in the next moment I was knocked out.

Dark's Pov

"Dark Link! What the hell was that for!" my head was cast downwards and my hair covered my face. That girl is an idiot. She didn't really love me. She was just using me. I even thought she was the one. "Prince of darkness... we must find the princess of my kingdom. She can not see the lies hidden behind that abomination." "Fuck (y/n) and fuck this stupid quest. I'm going back to my castle. That's the last time I'm falling in love." I started to walk back the way we came when Link grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Get the fuck off me pretty boy..." I was about to push him when he punched me. I gagged and spit out blood. My lip started bleeding and blood was running out of my nose. "didn't you love her! After one mistake you give up on that love! What kind of love did you even have for her!" I gave him the same glare I had given her. "If she loved me, or knew that I loved her, she wouldn't have said what she did! She would have understood that I was only trying to protect her!" "you dragged her from her world and brought her into ours. She left her world behind because of YOU! Her mother killed herself so she misses her! Maybe you should have helped her understand that what she saw wasn't real! What she saw through her eyes was different from what we saw!" "I FUCKING KNOW THAT LINK! I just... I need to be alone." "I can't sense it anymore..." Link and I looked over at Jason with confused looks. "what can't you sense?" "her presence. It has disappeared. At first it was weak as if she had used so much energy in trying to get away, but the fact that it just disappeared... " "What the hell do you mean it just disappeared!?" "I believe that the being we saw was from the twilight realm. Ganondorf must have figured out a way to get a creature from there do his bidding. The longer we wait the sooner he will have both vessels to rise once again." "He doesn't have Zelda. I just saw her today!" "hero of time. He must have pulled the same trick on you. The real Zelda has been in his grasp for the past couple of days. I was trying to bring the princess of darkness here to protect her within the spirit temple. Unfortunately it seems she was taken now." I fell to my hands and knees, I couldn't breathe. I had just lost the only person that accepted me for who I am. And because of my stupid mouth, I lost her. "I can find them but we must hurry and get to the temple. Link, your ocarina can take you there. Show your counter part the song and meet me there." he disappeared the next second. "So Link. Teach me the song. So we can both get back the girls we care about." "Stop lying Dark Link. You know you don't care about (y/n). If you did you wouldn't have done what you did."

I grabbed his neck and started to choke him. "you act like I meant to do that! I was angry, I would never hurt her on purpose! You on the other hand I will gladly kill!" I squeezed harder until I realized I still needed him. So I let go. He fell to his knees coughing. "just show me the song so we don't have to be near each other any longer..." I watched as he slowly for up and took out his ocarina. "The name *cough* of this song *cough* is requiem of spirit." he played it after catching his breath and I copied him and we warped to temple that Jason told us to meet him at. When we got there he was at the entrance. "why didn't we just Warp here from the beginning Jason?" "because the princess doesn't know how to use her warping ability." "So what is it that you want us to do?" "inside the temple will be a mechanism that will lead to a room that I hasn't been seen since we had to help the queen escape." "What happens in this room?" he never answered Link's question which was making me worried. Link and I followed him. Tried to at least. He would just walk through walls while Link and I had to fight monsters and solve puzzles in the rooms. When we finally caught up to him he was standing in front of a large door. "Glad you two could finally make it. Behind this door is something that will test the love you have for your princesses. It will test how far you will go for them. This will be a puzzle."

He walked up to the doors and they opened slowly. We walked next to him and stared at the large room. "How do you expect us to complete this!" in the middle of the room was a table. But surrounding the table was a maze that clearly would surround the table once we stepped inside the room. "How are we supposed to find the girls fast when you want us to go through a maze!" we looked at him, glared at him for playing mind games on us. "if you didn't want to rescue them you should have said so. I'll just close the door and -" Link and I ran inside and when we did the maze shot up. "the only hint I will give is to look at it from a different angle." The doors closed and we were stuck in the dimly lit room. "What do you think he meant by looking at it from a different angle?" "don't know. Don't care. I just want to find (y/n)." "well you won't with that attitude. " "you're getting on my last nerve pretty boy!" "Whatever Dark. Let's just finish this. So thinking of it logically, we are inside the spirit temple. So that mean we are going to need our Lens of Truth." "Alright wise guy, they which way should we go?" "One of us can go to the left, the other can go to the right. Keep playing your ocarina and i'll play mine. When we get closer to each other then we are close to the middle." "So in other words, stay close enough so we can hear each other. I think that we should play the song Elegy of emptiness to mark off where we have been." he nodded at me and we took out our lens of truth and ocarinas and started to head into the maze. I took the left side, and him the right. "I'm coming my Princess..." "And nothing is going to stop me."  

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