Chapter 14: Clean path

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This chapter is the clean one. If you have the "dirty" mind for it, read the next chapter. But be warned....this does not mean the end~ If you don't want to read the lemon, after reading this, skip it.

As soon as I said yes, he was holding me in his arms. "you have no idea how badly I wanted to do this. Ever since Link came into our lives, I haven't been able to hold you." "so when you said you desired me, you don't mean..." Dark looked at me confused and then his cheeks flared up at the sudden realization. "oh goddesses no! As nice as that would be, I'm not ready for that actually..." Watching Dark look at the floor, his face still flushed, caused me to have a mini fangirl moment. His face is so cute when he's embarrassed! I had him look back at me and I softly kissed him. "you don't have to be embarrassed,to be honest I'm also not ready for that." He looked at me and smiled. "So I was wondering if I may listen to you?" As soon as he said this, I became instantly confused. "Um Dark, technically you're listening to me." " not like that babe, back in your world I remember when you would sing something and play an instrument. I loved listening to you so I ended up taking you instruments and placing then in my ballroom. I was wondering if you could let me listen to you again?" "Um okay, if that's what you want." He nodded and took my hand in his and showed me to the room with my stuff.

When we got there I was astonished. It was a beautiful room, it seemed to resemble something off of beauty and the beast. The only difference was the amount of black and grey. "Dark, why is it so beautiful?" He let go of my hand and stood in the center of the room. I watched him curiously as he took out his ocarina and started to play a song that I didn't recall. After he finished his piece the floor started to open up around him and I saw the instruments rising from the floor. I let out a gasp and smiled at all of my possessions that I finally had again.

"Dark, how did you do all this?" "A magician never reveals his secrets." I smiled and walked over to my keyboard and pressed the button to turn it on. I played a couple notes and a song seemed to flow from me. It was one that I fleetingly remembered from when I was in my world.

(Name of song is called Heavy by Linkin Park. This is the instrumental version. Song with voices is below.)

(This is the song with voices. Chooses whichever you want.)

I don't like my mind right now

Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary

Wish that I could slow things down

I want to let go but there's comfort in the panic

And I drive myself crazy thinking everything's about me

Yeah I drive myself crazy cause I can't escape the gravity

I'm holding on, why is everything so heavy

Holding on, so much more than I can carry

I keep dragging around what's bringing me down

If I'd just let go I'd be set free

Holding on, why is everything so heavy

You say that I'm paranoid,

but I'm pretty sure the world is out to get me

It's not like I made the choice

To let my mind stay so fucking messy

I know I'm not the center of the universe

But you keep spinning around me just the same

I know I'm not the center of the universe

But you keep spinning around me just the same

I'm holding on, why is everything so heavy

Holding on, so much more than I can carry

I keep dragging around what's bringing me down

If I just let go I'd be set free

Holding on, why is everything so heavy

I know I'm not the center of the universe

But you keep spinning around me just the same

I know I'm not the center of the universe

But you keep spinning around me just the same

And I drive myself crazy thinking everything's about me

Holding on, why is everything so heavy

Holding on, so much more than I can carry

I keep dragging around what's bringing me

If I'd just let go I'd be set free

Holding on, why is everything so heavy

Why is everything so heavy

Why is everything so heavy

I didn't realize when I started crying. A couple tears were running down my face and once I noticed it became a steady stream. I buried my face in my hands and let out the feels that were trapped in me for so long. The pain, anger, regret, everything. Dark came and brought me into his lap, letting me again his black tunic with my salty tears. He held me and rubbed my back gently, causing me to eventually calm down. "Angel, what's wrong?" silence. I just clinged to him. I knew the answer, I just didn't want to say it. "Look (Y/n) I'm going to keep asking until you tell me. Not because I want to pester you but because I love you and want to make sure you're happy. So please? May I know what's wrong?" I felt a pang of hurt in his voice, which made me feel guilty about trying to not say my realization. "I... I think I need... to let go..." "Let go of what? Me? Did I do something wrong?" "I have been... stuck... in a world I dreamed of. A world where... my mother still... existed. But now I realized, clinging to that world... it's bringing me down. I don't know why i'm holding on to the memory of my mother, but when i realized that when i thought it was was mother i was going with, it was actually someone that was trying to hurt me." I was choking back tears at this point. "I just don't' know what to do Dark. I know i have to let go, but if i do does that mean i also need to forget about her?" He hugged me tighter before i could break down again. "Angel, letting go doesn't mean forgetting. It just means that you want to don't want to let the memory of your mom control you life and bring you to ruin. And even if you let go, I'll still stay by your side as much as i have even if you didn't." I looked at him and smiled but then i smirked. "You sure didn't act that way when I thought i was talking to my mother." "I was under the influence." "What influence?" He suddenly kissed me then lifted me off his lap and got up. "I was under the influence of you. Now i'm going to go and get something to drink. I'll be right back. Love you baby girl." That nickname made me blush so hard and i quickly said i love you back to him.

(y/n) thought through what Dark had told her. She became so lost in thought that she didn't notice the presence that was hiding in the dark corner of the room.

HEHE CLIFFHANGER!!! Go ahead and spam the comments of who you think it is, or you can tell me what you think of me putting in these cliffhangers XD. The beginning and middle were a bit rocky, but i am so proud of the ending im thinking of XD *whispers to myself* these people are going to hate me heh

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