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A Premonition (Before The Storm)

The day I turned sixteen was the day my destiny was set in stone. It happened so suddenly, no one could have warned me. But how could they? I had no one left. I was sitting in my bedroom, when my muscles started to spasm, body trembling; the pain was unbearable. There isn't a scale high enough to distinguish the excruciating pain I felt in that moment.

Since then, everything has become clearer; I see things that no ordinary person should, hear things that would give any mundane person nightmare. Ever since then, my eyes are finally open to the world, noticing everything, which isn't always a good thing.

All I know is that something isn't right; I can't explain this feeling, but it chills me to the bone. I feel the presence of someone or something there, watching me. Glimpses of the unknown, sweet murmurs of promise in my ear; it's all so bizarre. The first time I noticed the shadowed man was when I went to clear my head with a relaxing run in the woods. I spent many days and many nights in those woods; one could say they were my home; that's what they felt like. Something was off putting that night; something that angered my wild nature and scared the fragile human. This place has been my home for the past three years, and well, this other worldly presence, it was non-existent until recently.


The grass blades stroke my ankles as the wind softly whispers in my ears. My hands brush over my thin black dress, dancing in the breeze. I bend down and gently pluck a violet flower out of the ground of the open field, bringing it to my face; I smile as the sweet scent fills my nose.

The howl of a wolf pierces the air, panic rushing through my body; I take a few steps back, away from the noise; something is wrong. A few seconds later there's another howl, closer, coming towards me. What do I do? A branch snaps in the distance behind be jolting me into action. Not knowing what awaits me, I run. Maybe if I can outrun it I will have a chance of survival. I stumble through trees, no longer in the open. Relying on adrenaline only, my legs pump faster than ever.

I stop in front of an old, weathered statue of an angel; vines snaking up the base of the figure, crawling over the wings. Looking around, I see it is a circle of statues; next to the angel, a human like figure stood, but there was something ancient and haunting about it. His face a pale grey, moss clinging to it. To its side stands a half human half wolf creature, positioned on its hind legs in a threatening stance, its sharp teeth fiercely bared. The last statue is of a man, standing tall and mighty. He has this air of power about him, kind of scared me. Looking closer, the faintest marking trailed up the statues legs, up his arms, over his bare chest and spreading across his face.

Another howl came from right behind me; turning around cautiously, there it was; staring at me with its' fierce eyes. The moon glinted off its eyes, as if they held a sacred connection. It charged towards me, teeth bared, ready to rip my flesh apart. Leaping off its hind legs, it lunged at me. A shadowed figure sprang off the ground as quick as a flash and connected with the wolf's body. It let out a loud cry as they both hit the ground. The battle between the two creatures was terrifying. With inhuman strength and speed they fought for dominance; who would win? After a brutal fight, the shadowed figure had won, the wolf laying limp on the ground, blood woven into its fur. With trembling hands and fear coursing through my limbs, I try to move, but was cemented to the spot. With slow, but long strides, the figure approaches and the moons light reflected off its face. It revealed nothing more but a man. What I saw in his eyes was something I could never forget.


I wake up in a cold sweat, the nightmares slowly fading as my body wakes up. They haunt me every night, for the past year; this can't be real. Every night is a different setting, but the shadowed man is always there, stalking me through my nightmares. Suddenly, a wolf's howl pierces the air and my blood runs cold. I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath. With wobbly legs, I get out of bed and slowly, cautiously make my way to the window. I scan the wooded area and the blood drains from my face as I see the outline of a figure staring straight at the house; watching, waiting. Another howl is let out into the night air, which seemed to distract the silhouette, and it takes off. It happened so suddenly, that I'm not sure if I'm going crazy. These dreams are freaking me out.

The door of my bedroom creaks ever so slightly and clicked shut. I spin around to be met with two hauntingly beautiful eyes; the same eyes that belonged to the man in my dreams.

"At last we meet again, my love."

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