Chapter 1

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As I stepped out of the bathroom, I was greeted by three makeup artists along with the personal stylist my mum had hired specifically for this event.

"Miss Sapphire, I was thinking a midnight blue gown or maybe a sleek black one?" The stylist, I think her name was Jennifer or something, came up to me. She had one gown in each hand. Without a second thought, I decided which one I wanted to wear, "I'd like the midnight blue one, please." She nodded her head and hung the gown on a hook in my closet.

"Now, if you please, we'll do your make up?" One of the makeup artists chirped, I walked to them, back straight, hands clasped, just like mum had taught me and sat down on the stool in front of my vanity table. This is so frustrating. Having to sit still and have your makeup done, I mean. My nose was itching.

We're invited to so many parties. And mum just has to attend all of them. I suppose tonight's going to be fine though, after all, it's at Cassidy's place.

Cassidy, Cassidy Black, is my best friend. Her dad is my father's business-partner so both of our families are rather close. They hold this massive ball every August, or somewhere around that time, and that's where we're going tonight, "Darling, can you turn your head to the right for a second, please?" I do as I am told.

I hate sitting still. I am far too anxious to be able to do that. I sigh inwardly. Mum is this very elegant and sophisticated lady. She was prom queen in her days. Well, people mistook her for royalty. 'Never forget your etiquettes, ladies' is what she keeps saying to my sister and I. I've been home-schooled my entire life so that I don't mix with 'the wrong crowd'. My parents are like mini-celebrities within London, so reputation is rather important to them. In other words, they're definitely a lost part of the royal family. Our family is highly against clubbing, eating food from anywhere other than 5 star restaurants and oh, rock music. Mum loathes rock music. She'd personally go and slit Metallica's throat with her high heels if she could.

The makeup artist snaps me out of my thoughts, "We're done, Miss Sapphire. You may put on the gown now." They pack up their things and head out of the room.


Our black limo drops us right at the gates, mum steps out of the limo, looking like her usual elegant self. She loops her arm with dad's as they walk up the steps and are greeted by photographers. I enter alongside my sister, and the first person I see is Cassidy. She's wearing a dove grey gown, with pearls around her neck and some crystal hoops. "Hello, Cassidy." I greet her, as we do the routinely 'air kisses'. Before I could talk to her, two ladies come up to me. I recognize them as mum's friends or something. Everyone here dresses up way too much.

"Hello there, darlin'! You look absolutely splendid!" gushes one of them, and before I could reply to that, the other one speaks, "Oh, honey! I am totally in love with your shoes! Jimmy Choo, I suppose?" I glance down and notice my shoes for the first time that night, silver heels. They were Jimmy Choo. I bet this lady shops too much. "Thank you, and yes, they are Jimmy Choos." They make small talk for a while and then they head off to get some champagne apparently. Okay, then.

"I'm glad that's over!" Cassidy whispers as she heaves a sigh of relief. "Me too. I'm thirsty, let's get something, shall we?" She nods her head and we walk up to the mini bar set up in the corner. It wasn't a proper bar. It was one of those "too classy" bar type things that aren't exactly worthy of being called a bar. I wonder what a real bar looks like. I suppose I'm never finding out though. Mum is highly against it. I sit down on one of the bar stools, "One cup of green tea with half a teaspoon sugar and a splash of lemon, please." I order my usual.

As Cassidy and I slowly drink up our orders, I have a good look at my surroundings. Everyone was dressed in formal apparel. Tuxedos and gowns. Everyone also looked stinking rich, if you asked me. And sure enough, they were.

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