Chapter 2

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It had been two days and I had heard nothing from Logan. Not that I expected to. Cassidy didn't call me either; I reckon she's just busy or something. It's 11.00 pm right now and I had just changed into my night gown. Yes, I'm twenty years old and I still have a "bed time". According to mum, girls always need their beauty sleep.

I pulled my covers over me and lay there. Staring at the ceiling had become my favorite thing to do for the past few days.

I remained weaved and lost in my thoughts, when I heard tapping against my balcony's window.

My reflex, obviously, was to get extremely scared. I waited for awhile and I gave time for the tapping to stop, but it didn't. Just marvelous. I got up and took a blue hairbrush I kept on my nightstand and tiptoed to the window. You see, it's times like these when my ninja reflexes kick in. Or, so I thought.

Just as I was about to mentally pat myself on the back for my ninja skills, I tripped over a pair of shoes, and landed on my bum.

I, however learnt no lesson whatsoever from that and continued acting like a crazed ninja as I walked to the balcony. I opened the window ever so slightly, it was full length, so I could actually walk through it. And right as I did that, I saw a tall figure, manly figure, and all I could think of was how I'm totally going to die.

I threw my plastic hairbrush at him, which he missed by like half a meter...Yeah, my aim isn't the best.

I opened my mouth to scream, and he seemed to understand that. He clasped his hand over my mouth, muffling my screams. I started kicking around vigorously when he whispered hoarsely, "Oh for God's sake, 'Phire! Calm down. It's Logan, idiot." I tilted my face upwards to meet his eyes, and sure enough, it was Logan. I could make out that much from the moonlight scattered over us. And that's when I felt like a total loser. I had just gone and embarrassed myself in front of Logan.

He smiled widely at me, and I could see he was trying to hold back his laughter. Trust me, most embarrassing moment of my life. I looked down in humiliation. And a millisecond later, I felt a warm hand on my right cheek. "That was hell funny but cute." I glanced up only to be caught in his gaze. I smiled at him, and that's when I came back to reality, "Wait. Exactly what are you doing standing in my balcony at this hour of night?" He shrugged as always in that carefree way of his, "Let's go." He took my hand and turned around towards the ladder placed against the balcony. I looked at his retrieving back in disbelief, "Where are you taking me?" I spoke with reluctance in my voice. He turned to look at me, "You'll see." Two simple words. That's it.

I honestly don't know what had gotten into me, but I decided to follow him either way.

Let me remind you, I was still in my night gown. But being the extremely smart person I am, note the sarcasm, it didn't quite occur to me till we were downstairs and walking up to his car. I was surprised he didn't get his bike again. "Er, Logan..." he looked right at me, "Yeah?" I tried to find the words to say without looking like a complete fool for a second time that night, "I'm in my night dress..." He smiled at me and let out a chuckle, "You think I'm blind? Here." He handed me the grey hoodie he had been wearing. I tried to give it back to him but he disagreed completely. So, I decided to be a normal person for once and I slipped it on. It felt warm and cozy and smelt of cologne. The guy has a good taste in scents, I'll give him that.

As he pulled out of the driveway, I came to my senses. What in the world was I doing! What will mum say? Will she find out? Dad? Oh my God.

"Can you drop me back home?" I blurted out. I was going crazy. My mind was at war right now. "Nope. I'm taking you somewhere. Somewhere you've never been before." I thought it best to not say anything after that. I guess it felt nice going against the rules for once. It felt...rebellious? Yeah.

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