Chapter 3- The Entries

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Journal Entries~~

May 20th

Ugh. We're still stuck in the car. Everyone's all tense and it's super annoying. They all keep busy with worrying, but how am I supposed to entertain myself? Mojo just sleeps most of the time. I wish I could hang out with Renae.... or Jackson ;) I actually saw one of those weird diseased people. It was a lady who was probably around 24. She ran at our car. Apparently she was too stupid to know she couldn't catch up with us. hahaha I'm so mean. I mean she was sick. Ugh I want chocolate ice cream more than anything right now. At least I have my music. I've basically been listening to Of Monsters and Men and Maroon 5 on repeat. Well I'm gonna go beg for food. Byessssss

May 22nd

Ran out of gas. All of the gas stations are closed. Michael had to siphon gas out of some pickup truck. It was pretty funny. Trinity was all pissed, though. Something about not keeping humanity. My phone's almost dead and stupid Trinity's hoggin up the car charger. My mom said hers is more important for the maps. I think my music is pretty important for me to... ya know, NOT GO CRAZY. Ugh they're so annoying. I'm sure my mom's gonna force me to listen to country radio soon. Kill me.

May 28th

We found a place to stay. It's a little house with hardly any windows. That means we're pretty safe. We're staying in the attic just in case. All the doors were already barricaded. One door wasn't blocked and had a huge dog door that I could fit through, which is how I got in. I unlocked it to let them in then we moved heavy furniture in front of it. We're only staying here for a few days which is good. It's too dark in this house. And we have to stay really quiet, which I don't like. At least Mojo listens when we tell him to stay quiet. The plan is to go to South Carolina. Apparently Michael has a bunch of hardass buddies from college there. He wants to see how they're doing and whether they could help us out. I have a bad feeling he's going to ditch us for his friends. I don't know what we'll do then. He's been helpful.. even though I'll never admit it. Bye for now. -Nikki

May 31st

We're leaving this little house and hitting the road again. It's getting worse and worse. Just a little over a week ago I didn't have any worries. Even though I thought I did. Those were nothing compared to now. Trinity's shoulder isn't infected, but it's all swollen and messed up. Michael said he has a friend who's a doctor in South Carolina. Michael just solves allll our problems. *rolls eyes* I'm pretty sure he has a crush on my mom or something. Or Trinity... EW. I hope he's not lying about the doctor. Maybe It's better in South Carolina? I hope so. We're going to the southwest tip of it, where there are barely any people. Crossing my fingers.

June 8th

It's Renae's birthday. I have no way of wishing her a happy birthday. We didn't go shopping and there was no overplanned sleepover party. Hell I don't even know if she's alive. This is such shit. I can't even fucking explain how awful this is. Every day we eat granola bars or cereal. Anything we have that we can eat in the car. We drink water. We refill our water bottles in streams and purify it with some fancy stuff my mom bought at the store. I'm sick of living in the car. I just want to scream and pout but I don't want to hurt my family or anything. My mom is already taking this badly enough. She hardly eats and when we ask her to eat she just says she's not hungry. At least she's still drinking water. Maybe it's withdrawal from the cigarettes. I don't know. I think whether she smoked or not she'd be like this. I miss my life two weeks ago. I miss Renae.

June 10th

I'm trying to write so I don't turn on everyone in this car. They've all reduced to faking happiness. They smile and laugh but I can see the tiredness and hunger in their eyes. Oh did I forget to mention? Trinity has decided that we're not smart enough to eat what we need and nothing more, so now she's making us stick to rations. We have all this food just sitting in the back begging to be eaten. I'm fricken hungry.

June 11th

Mom started eating again.I think she decided to eat again just because food is limited.

June 14th

My mom and Trinity got in a screaming fight about an hour ago. It was scary. I think I've seen my mom yell and get really angry once before. Back when Trinity had a pregnancy scare. Anyway. My mom asked Trinity to pass her a granola bar. Trinity responded sweetly with "No mommy we have to wait until 6 to eat." My mom said, clearly annoyed, to just gived her a granola bar. She said she was hungry. Trinity told her no (not-so-sweetly) and my mom just turned back and glared at her. Trinity huffed and reached over the seat to get a granola bar. She threw it at the front and crossed her arms. My mom just cracked I guess. I don't even remember what they were screaming. I just remember me yelling at them to stop and Michael finally stopping them.

June 15th

My mom and Trinity made up. My mom said she was just cross from being hungry. No more rations! PARTAY. We get a certain amount of food each day, but we don't have to eat on a schedule.

June 22nd

We stopped so I could get out and pee. I went into the woods and when I was finished I picked a few flowers. I was going back to the car and had just cleared the woods when a.... thing came out of nowhere. It was a Camnotic person, but she was missing an arm and was decomposed. Parts of her face were torn off. I held down the puke and screamed. She grabbed my arm and I kicked her away. I started to run to the car but I tripped. She was seconds from tearing open my throat. I stared into her eyes, trying to fight her off. Her head suddenly jerked to my left and she fell, lifeless, to the ground. I stood up and ran to the car. I'm still shaking. Thank God Michael had a gun handy. I've never been so afraid before.

June 24th

I can't write anymore. It's not helping. It's a waste of time. Goodbye journal. -Nikki

~Author's Note~

Hey giraffes! This was a short chapter, but I wanted to update fast since I was gone for so long. I'm amazed that I managed to update in under 24 hours! Haha thank you for reading and voting! Comments are always appreciated! Thank you so much for your support! Don't worry, Nikki will meet Carl soon. =] ~Julia

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