Chapter 16- Crazy Chick

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     I rushed down to the gates, hearing people behind me but not bothering to look back. I slowed to a stop beside Rick and glanced over at him. He was gaping at something, so I followed his eyes to the road leading up to the prison. Now it was my turn to stare, amazed and confused at what I saw.

     It was a girl, roughly my age, trotting around and shouting,"I'm.. too sexy for my shirt! Too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurtss!" She was attracting walkers to herself, then stabbing them with some kind of spear. The whole time, she was giggling like a maniac between lyrics. 

     When Carl came up beside me, I glanced over at him, eyes wide with surprise and a smile slowly creeping across my face. Carl and I burst out laughing, unable to handle how completely insane the situation was.

     I decided to live a little and began to yell along with her, screaming,"And I'm too sexy for your party, too sexy for your party! The way I'm disco dancing!" Carl just shook his head at me, laughing like crazy. No one else seemed to find it that funny.

     "AAAAYY, SOMEONE OVER THERE KNOWS HOW TO LIVE!" she shouted, stabbing the final walker within her reach and running over to the gate we were all watching her from.

     "Hi!" she breathed, a hiccup escaping her lips.

     "Are you.. Are you drunk?" Glenn asked, squinting at the girl in confusion.

     "Pfffft, no," the girl retorted, before admitting," okay maybe a little."

     "Or a lot," Carl whispered to me, and I couldn't help but giggle. At least she was pretty, even in this drunken state. She had silky, honey-brown hair. When I looked at her eyes, I was surprised by how abnormal they were, and not just from the classic glaze inflicted by alcohol. Her right eye was a light blue while her left was split horizontally, half green and half brown. I loved looking at eyes and could basically tell you who a person was by looking at their eyes.

     "Maybe we should let her in before she gets herself killed," Michonne suggested as I stared at the girl's eyes, a smile playing at her lips.

     "YOU!" the girl screamed, gripping at the chain link and pointing vaguely in the direction of Michonne," I LIKE you!" Michonne snorted and moved to open the gate.

     "Wait," Rick said, holding up a hand towards Michonne,"How many walkers have you killed?"

     "I don't know, like bunches and bunches of them," the girl slurred, closing her eyes and pressing her face up against the chain link. Surprisingly, she wasn't being approached by any walkers yet.

     Rick rolled his eyes and asked,"How many people have you killed?"

     "I think I killed this chick but I don't know if I actually did so shh, don't tell her or she might get like super pissed at me and we don't want that because then she might kill me and then WOAH THE TABLES HAVE TURNED," she said quickly, all in one sentence.

     "Why?" Rick asked, actually sounding somewhat amused.

     "THE BITCH WAS KILLIN' MY VIBE!" she sassed, throwing her hands up in the air and flailing them around wildly.

     Rick chuckled (Surprisingly) and said," I guess we can let her in and get some real answers out of her later when she's less...." 

     "Intoxicated?" Maggie asked, raising her eyebrows as she smirked.

     "Yeah, that." Rick laughed. He gestured for Michonne to open the gate, which she did with minimal effort. The girl tripped into the prison yard before Michonne shut the gates.

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