In The Silence-3

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 Sorry it took me to long to write this chapter! Got brain block. :\     :D


Chapter 3


Lucy has been waiting outside for about half a hour now. 'Detention should of finished by now,' She thought to herself. Lucy was sitting on the same bench she all ways had  since the thing with Mr Shuts. The cold breeze was making her shiver and the light drops of rain were making her blond hair damp and droop across her face.

"Come on Tina," She muttered to herself, rubbing her hands together trying to keep warm, but it didn't work it was getting colder by the second so she stood up with a sigh and decided to go home, hoping Tina would be there.


Tina's eyes opened with a sudden shock of what had happened. As she did five girls jumped back from her.

Tina stared at her surroundings for a moment. The room she was in looked like a ordinary living room but it had seven beds lined up in a row, all with pink fluffy duvets and matching pillow cases. There was also a tiny kitchen in the corner of the massive room, also pink but unbelievably clean, like a show room. There was a old TV next to Tina's bed looking silghtly out of place compared to the rest of the room with a long white sofa in front of it.

Tina sat up on her bed to get a better look at the room but she wished she didn't because when she did she saw the five girls crowed round her again, just looking at her. Trying to figure her out, how's she's feeling and what she's thinking.

'Where, am I? What is this? How did I get here?' Tina wanted to say but something was stopping her. She couldn't figure out what. Then one of the girls held a mirror up to her face and Tina stared in horror at what was staring back at her in the mirror.

The figure looked like her, but she couln't be Tina. Her smooth brown hair was now a brown mass, tangled and sticking up like she's been sleeping for days and her make-up was smudged across her face. But apart from that there was a much bigger change to Tina. On her ruby lips there was a thick black thread closing them shut. Some blood was seeping through the gaps of her lips where the thread had missed out, crawling down her face and dripping off from her chin into Tina's clothes, which she noticed was her school uniform.

One of the girls grabbed the mirror of Tina. Tina recognised her. It was Chloe. Tina jumped out of bed and grabbed Chloe into a hug, tears trickling down her face. Chloe also had her mouth sewn shut but with pink thread. When Tina and Chloe pulled out of the hug Tina saw the clothes Chloe was wearing. It was something that looked like school uniform, she had a grey skirt that went down to her knees, a white blouse that was tucked into her skirt, knee high white socks that had imprints of flowers on ,a bottle green blazer that looked just like the ones we wore to school but it was plain and the logo looked like it had been taken out and a green and white tie that hung just under her belly-button.

Tina looked at the other girls, she recognised two of them from her English class. Both wearing the same thing as Chloe had, they were still staring at her.

 But the other two she did not know. They looked older than Tina and the others, their faces were blank and lifeless, the same as Mr Shuts was, they look the same apart from one had dark red hair that was in a side plait ending ending at her shoulders, while the other girl had blond hair which ended just below her chin and had a very long side fringe. They weren't dressed like the others either, they wore shorts that just covered their bums and little tops that showed their flat bellies, all of which were in a shocking colour of pink.

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