Chapter 1: Kindness
Story 1 : Kindness to servants
Justice to servants
Abu jaafar Al- mansur was a great Khalifa. One day his servant was pouring water for him to wash his hands and by mistake, the jug fell and spoilt the clothes of the Khalifa, in front of the people.
The servant said "Allah says 'And those who suppress their anger... And those who forgive people... And Allah loves those who do good to others...'"
Jaafar replied "I have suppressed my anger... I have forgiven you... I have set you free with a lump sum of money!"
Our servants are Human beings like us and can make mistakes, so we should treat them properly.
Anas (R.a), who worked for the Prophet (s.a.w), said,"I worked for the prophet (s.a.w) for more than ten years and he never said a single word to me that annoyed me!" In fact Anas preferred to live with the prophet (s.a.w) over his parents because he was treated kindly by the prophet (s.a.w).
The prophet (s.a.w) said: "They (servants) are your brothers who Allah has made your subordinates. Therefore if a person has a brother who is subordinate to him, he should: (1) feed him what he himself eats, (2) clothe him with the clothes he wears, (3) not give him work which he is unable to do."Story 2: Kindness to those with special needs.
The Disabled
Umar binul Khattab was the secon khalifa. one night he went out after midnight. it was very dark. He entered a house and remained inside for a very long time. Talha, who was a great Sahaba of the Prophet (s.a.w), saw Umar entering the house and coming out, after a long period.In the morning, Talha went into that house and found an old, disabled woman (who could not walk) seated.
"What did that man, who came to your house last night do? What brought him to your house?" Asked Talha to that woman.
The old woman replied "He has been coming here for the past several years, to bring me all that i need, to remove, clean and put everything in its proper place. He never fails to do that any night, whatever the situation, but upto now, I do not know him nor his name!"
Umar binul Khattab came to know of another old, blind woman ho had no one to look after her, he decided to visit her immediately after Fajr prayers. But when he visited her, he found that her house had already been cleaned and arranged and someone had already brought her food for the whole day. He was surprised and wondered who that person could be. for the next seven days, he found that someone had already helped the old, blind woman. The woman also did not know the person. So Umar decided to pass by the blind woman's house and clean it before going for Fajr prayers.
When Umar arrived at the door he found Abubakr As-Siddiq, the first Khalifa, coming out of the house.
"I knew a better man who always defeated me in doing good. There is no better person than you, Abu Bakr" said Umar
Muslims should compete with each other in doing good and not bad things and deeds! Assisting the aged is a noble thing to do. Islam is a religion that cares for the young AND old, alike!
Here is a Dua for the Disabled:
الحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي عَافَانِي مِمَّا ابْتَلَاكَ بِهِ، وَفَضَّلَنِي عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِمَّنْ خَلَقَ تَفْضِيلًا
'Al-hamdu lil-laahil-ladhee 'aafaanee mim-mab-ta-laaka bih, wa fad-dala-nee ?alaa kathee-rin mim-man khalaqa taf-deelaa'
'Praise be to Allah who had saved me from what He had afflicted you with, and for honouring me over many of his creations.'
Here is the first Chapter of Islamic Moral Stories. Hope you enjoy it and learn something. Don't forget to comment, vote, fan, like or follow!!
Aisha and Asmaa xx
3rd August 2013(25th Ramadhan 1434)
Islamic Moral Stories!
SpiritualShort Islamic stories with morals for EVERYONE to read, enjoy and learn from!!