Capture the Flag

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Today I wake with a horn for capture the flag. "yes" I say to myself. I change into my armor the clatter of my armor wakes Eon sleeping on the other side of the room." Good morning Eon" I say to him Eon squawks back. I go over to him and sit next to him and stroke his feathery head. "Com'on let's go to breakfast" I walk through the extra large doors made by the Hephaestus cabin for Eon.

As I walk through camp with Eon. A group of little half bloods come up to me and ask to pet Eon."sure" I remark I mean who gets to pet a griffin everyday. They approach cautiously."it's okay he doesn't bite I tell them. I tell Eon to lay down so they could pet him he is huge compared to little 10 year olds he is taller than me by 1ft on his four legs.

When the kids finish playing I wait out side the Hephaestus cabin for Leo."Hi Leo" I say as he walks out. "Hey" he replies "I've been working on something for Eon" "Cool what is it" I say eagerly "battle armor" Leo exclaims "made of full celestial bronze. For the wings this part was made differently it has automatic cooling so he doesn't get hot even in the desserts or even lava just don't touch the lava with the armor. The celestial bronze on the wings is super flexible so Eons wings don't cramp he can move every feather." "Awesome Leo lets try it out after capture the flag."

On our way to breakfast we find Samsom and Max at the table waiting for us. Samsom is my cousin in a way he is the son of Poseidon. Max is the son of Ares. We sit down next to him "how has being in charge of other Poseidon kids been like" I ask "it's okay Joey is the little prankster I enjoy he reminds me of you" he answers "excuse me but I need to get food for Eon waiting out side. I get a bucket of fish and go to Eon I feed him one by one until he swallowed the last one.

When breakfast was over I rode Eon (on his feet) to the woods where we play capture the flag. Chiron was there and started to read the teams "Blue team is Zeus cabin Demeter cabin Ares cabin Dionysus cabin Iris cabin Hephaestus cabin and Athena cabin and red team Artemis cabin Apollo cabin Aphrodite cabin Hermes cabin Hypnos cabin Hecate cabin and Poseidon" he says "take your places everyone" Chiron instructs. My team walks to their side of the woods. When we get there everyone looks at me. "What" I say confused "ohh you want the game plan, okay we split into groups of three and advance to the flag but two groups stay here to guard the jail and protect the flag my group will make a run for the flag trying to avoid as many fights as possible". Everyone breaks into groups of three I get Leo and Max and tell them "okay I know Samsom will be there guarding the flag so when me and him start fighting Leo make a big ring of fire around us so no one can interfere Max you make sure no one try's attacking any of us even our team members, okay let's go" the horn blows and we're off I run as fast as I can to the plain hills that divide the woods for the teams we like calling these hills battleground where everyone meets and fights I summon little circular sparks and wait for Leo and Max when they appear the red team appears on the other side and all three of us run into battle I send two sparks out to the back of the red team and knock down three people then I send the last one in front of me causing the people to move out of the way Max, Leo and me make it to the red teams woods we move in deeper we find two guards near the flag "Max, Leo take those two guards I will go for Samsom" I tell them. They run at the guards holding their weapons in the air as soon as the are in combat I make a run for the flag but first to cross the only thing in my way... Samsom. When I get to the small clearing I find Samsom with water all over him waiting for me and it starts right away he throws one blast of water my way I duck and roll away he sends another and it hits me in the chest knocking me back. I stand back up and try a new plan I need to stop his water source I throw one dagger at his feet for distraction then another at the stream where he was getting the water from. The dagger electrocutes the water making an explosion and shocking Samsom. I make a move I go at Sam he swings his trident at me making me duck I slide under his legs and cut his calf "ahh" he screams and swings his trident again striking my face making three gashes on my face one cut went across my eye not touching my eye just eye lids. I scream in pain. By now the whole blue and red team was here and Leo castes the ring of fire. Sam and me both start floating in the air I throw a huge ball of lightning at Sam as he blasts water at me. Both attacks hit the targets. I was flung back nearly into the fire as Sam got electrocuted I float back up to Sam's level and summon a lightning bolt in my hand as Sam makes a huge ball of water I throw my bolt at Sam as he throws his ball at me both attacks meet in the center making a huge explosion knocking me into a tree and throwing Sam to the ground the branch I was on breaks under my weight making me fall to my doom when I land the crowd splits in two and come to me and Sam then I knock out.

I wake up in a hospital bed with Samsom next to me on an identical one he was awake playing with water. "Hey" I said surprising him making him drop the water onto the blanket he easily draws the water out of the blanket and put it into a jar. "Hi" he says back "I'm sorry about hurting you" I start "No I'm sorry the power got to both our heads." Chiron walks into the room "good to see you both are alive it looks like you both are ready to go, but watch out with that much power you have to learn to control it." I have a sprained wrist and broken leg and alot of stitches from where the trident scratched me in three different spots I wear an eye patch to cover my injured eye.when me and Samsom leave the half blood hospital Max, Leo, and Eon were waiting Samsom was in crutches and I was in a wheel chair. Eon was magnificent his armor shined it fit him perfectly and ever feather had a coat of armor and the armor on the wings were as sharp as a sword.

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