- Chapter 1 -

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Lynn's P.O.V

There are so many birds in the sky, so many clouds and so many souls possibly drifting up there and beyond. Maybe the birds carry the souls but they're special birds, we just can't see them because they only greet us once we've passed and are to start a new journey in a different world. What is that world like? Do we all make it to that world? Do other cosmoses join the celebration of birth of the new dead? Or are we alone to spend eternity with only those who left this world?

I often wondered questions like this. One headphone dangled to one side whilst the other sat perfectly in my ear and I had no intention to let it slip like the other had. The path I walked down was empty, no different to any other day I chose this route to venture down as I found time to just let my thoughts engulf me and every now and then, completely swallow me. Fortunately, today wasn't one of those days. Only idle thoughts found their way swimming around my mind. I was a lot more concentrated on the song I'd been listening to for probably a good hour and a half on repeat.

I've always been grateful for those moments when you rediscover a song you once loved with your entire being until you'd listened to it so much that you'd grown to despise the first three seconds but then after finding it again, you just return to the adoration you originally felt for that song. Especially songs that could make you feel something, possibly even trigger the thoughts that enter your mind.

Stones lined my path and I found myself kicking one along, a little friend to accompany me. That's all I really had these days when it came to friends. Inanimate objects were the best I could muster the attention of, mainly because I didn't need to gain their attention because they weren't living. Anything living would have the brains to make the judgement that they could do better than my friendship. I didn't blame them.

Honestly, I had no idea where I was heading and I never did when I started this walk. My destination differed every time. At this moment however, I fancied making my way to Alex's; a good friend who'd always be willing to put up with my rants towards humanity or just simply my train of thought whether it be at it's best or it's worse.

The wind was starting to pick up slightly and I could feel it blowing my hair back, parting it in the most unattractive of ways. I made an attempt to move it back into place and tucked the lose strands that refused to co-oporate with me behind my ear, putting the lonesome earplug back into it's rightful place at the same time.

Alex's wasn't too far off course so I made the final decision to head in that direction. Knowing the way things usually planned out, it would have been no surprise to find Brian there too. Brian was an odd one.

His ghost stories were what really labelled him as slightly odd other than his entire persona. He was the focus of many unexplainable tales that honestly, no longer phase Alex and I. At first, it was only natural for us to be creeped out by what we were told but after a while I learned to become inspired by the stories Brian shared with us and used them as either writing material for novels that only I would ever read or inspiration for metaphorical lyrics. All I was certain of was that I never wanted to be involved in those ghost stories, it wasn't exactly something that appealed all too much to me. I could only handle hearing of them.

I lightly bobbed my head to the beat as I carried on making my way to Alex's. I took my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the time, not that it really mattered because Alex would let me in no matter how late or early in the day it was.

6:43pm. No problem there.

When I lifted my head up again, something caught my eye. For a moment I simply stood there and just aimlessly stared at the mystery in front of of me. I looked around to see if there was anyone else around or if I was the only passing witness. No one was anywhere near me, I could see no one other than myself in the reflection of a nearby puddle. Hesitantly, I moved away from the path into a small clearing and edged nearer towards whatever the fuck was ahead of me.

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