- Chapter 3 -

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  Terri and I had decided to leave the house and go for a walk, catch up on things we missed and just spend some time together. We'd made our way to town, going down little lanes only we really knew about. Times like these just filled the both of us with so much nostalgia. If anything though, this just felt strange. The last time we saw each other, neither of wanted to be near the other. We were so caught up in the situation that was my confession ending horribly, and so nor Terri or myself wanted to put it right because we were afraid if one more thing was said between us then our friendship would have been completely over. However, now we spoke nonstop with no room for even just taking a breath. We were back to being comfortable around each other. 

  Although, this did have me wondering if she had taken it upon herself to just forget what happened. Forget the emotions I poured into our conversation that Thursday night when the rain pattered against the windows and the warmth of the fire from the quaint, little fireplace that spread into the room I had prepared to express my pure emotions in. Maybe she'd forgotten when I'd taken her hand and lead her to the sofa and I looked at her face to see she was staring at our hands because she could feel my hand shaking in her own. Perhaps within our period of nothingness, the memory of when my voice shook as I started my little speech that I had rehearsed in front of the mirror for days on end had disappeared from her mind. There was the chance that she'd forgotten her reaction when I barely uttered three words that I instantly regretted. 

  I hadn't forgotten. I'd always remember the deep ache I felt inside my chest when she stood up and left the room without looking back at me and left me to sink in the complete rejection I'd been faced with. The way the next time I saw her, she couldn't bring herself to look me in the eye or stand to be in the same room with me for more than a couple of minutes. Maybe even a couple of minutes was slightly pushing it. Even if I wanted to, there's no way I'd be able to forget overhearing her conversation with Alex when she illustrated the scene of my ultimate embarrasement, to him with her words and how I was made aware of how uncomfortable I made her. 

  After that, it had just been my luck to walk in on her making out with some other girl she'd met at a lousy nightclub we'd been to only a couple nights before the whole thing occurred. That was when all the feelings that had been pent up inside me unleashed themselves and the shouting began. She left that night. I never saw the bitch she was being too friendly with ever again and I never knew when the next time I'd see Terri would be. I couldn't forget things like that. 

  "Lynn? What are you thinking about?" Terri said, pulling me out of my thoughts as she handed me a vanilla ice cream in a huge, waffle cone. Well, now I was most definitely thinking about demolishing the two giant scoops of gorgeous ice cream in my hand. 

  "I," I began but then realised revealing my train of thought to her might not have been the best idea, ".. I don't know. Just daydreaming, I suppose." 

  She looked at me and I knew she didn't trust my answer but she nodded anyway, leading us as we continued walking forward to nowhere in particular. I discreetly looked at her through the corner of my eye. She was enjoying herself as she absentmindedly placed her hair behind her ear and devoured her mint choc chip ice cream. She really hadn't changed at all since I'd last seen her. Her features were as defined as they'd always been and honestly, that was what lured me into her beauty. It wasn't often that she actually wore that much makeup either. 

  Perhaps I'd ended up staring and had been staring for a little too long because I didn't notice when we entered a park that held many, many memories but she'd notice me staring. 

  "You want to try some of my ice cream?" Terri offered, looking at me and tried to figure out what I was staring at her for. I just shook my head and tried to hide the blush that was surfacing after being caught staring. 

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