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"Please, please please wake up Lily!" I sob while cradling her head and playing with her hair. It had been four days and she still hasn't woken up. Tom has been worried aswell... He's letting me and Tyler stay with Lily, but Ruby isn't allowed to. She must stay on her own.

"B..b..Blake." I hear Lily groan whilst opening her eyes. Tyler comes running over whilst I laugh and comfort her. Me and Tyler was Lily, gently scrubbing her scalp and hair to get rid of the blood  with the bar of soap we were given by Tom.

Three hours have passed since Lily woke up, and she is having a nap seeing as she is still so sore from her injuries, especially her back. Me and Tyler have bandaged her back, and take turns staying up at night to look after her and make sure nothing bad happens. "Anyway, me and Tyler have a plan. As soon as you are better, we're leaving this place!" I tell Lily. Her back is healing well, it healed good whilst she was knocked out... She wasn't trying to get up all the time!

"How long do you think it will take for my injuries to fully heal?" Lily asks me.
"I don't know... I'm guessing a few more days.

Kidnapped at 14Where stories live. Discover now