A Life Changing Gift- Chapter 1

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Hey Its Lucy I would just like to say,

like what most people say please dont

copy this story. I didn't copy it i came

up with it by myself and hopefully

theres no other story's similar to this

but anyways please Comment and



Lexi P.O.V.

"OMG!!!! Thank you so much mom and dad!!! Ahhh I cant believe it I love you!!" I practically scream into the phone.

"We love you to angel, and were sorry we cant make it over this year but we love you!"

"Ok I have to go tell Sydney I love you lots and thanks again so much!!!"

"Bye Lexi! we love you to!" My parents say as they hang up!

"Sydneeeyyyyy!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"What is it?" she comes into the room with a look of panic on her face.

"Guess what my parents got me for my birthday?" I say excitedly.

"What?" She replies just as excited.

"hmmm....only 2 front row seats and 2 backstage passes to the hottest boy band in the world.....!!!!" I scream practically exploding

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! ONE DIRECTION?!?!?!?!" she asks

"Yes!!! and guess whos coming with me??" I smile.

"Only your best friend ever.......Meeeee!!!!!!" She screams!!

"Yes! The concert is tomorrow at 7pm so we better get there around 6pm right when the gates open." I inform her.

"Of course and we have to go shopping so we can 'dress to inpress'!!!!" She responds.

"Ok its almost 11pm tho so we should probably get some sleep!" I yawn. I go to my room which is a really nice room its very big and has a walk in closet and walk in bathroom. I quick take a shower and put on some sweats to sleep in. Then brush my long brown hair out and brush my teeth.

I should probably catch you up a little bit. My name is Lexi Marie Jones and I live in a decent size flat in the middle of London, but we live in an area where we only have a few neighbors.. My parents live in California because of a job transfer but my friend Sydney and I decided to buy a house while we went to school here. I actually just graduated last spring and I majored in beauty and I want to become a makeup stylist. Im turning 21 in about 2 weeks and my parents were suppose to come over and visit but they couldn't get off of work so they sent my gift in the mail it turned out to be tickets and backstage passes to meet my favorite singers of all time. One Direction. Sydney has already chosen Harry as her favorite which doesn't interfere with me because Louis is mine. Louis William Tomlinson. I never in a million years would have thought that i would get to meet him but tomorrow night ill get to!

~The Next Day~

" Baby you light up my world like else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

The way you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you dont know oh oh,

You dont know your beautiful..."

My Alarm Clock goes off and i look at the time on my iphone and it reads 9:30am. I get dressed and go into the kitchen where i see Sydney is already dressed and eating breakfast. I grab a bowl of cereal and the milk and sit down next to her. Shes reading the paper and I grab the sports section thats across the table. I open up to see the soccer section and notice theres a picture of the 1D boys playing soccer for charity....aww so sweet! I finish my cereal and reading the paper and quick go brush my teeth and get ready for the day.

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