Just a Tornado Watch? Chapter:15

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Lexi P.O.V

*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*

I wake up to the chirping of birds that are outside of my open window. I walk downstairs and see Harry, Sydney, Niall, Cassie and Louis all sitting at the kitchen table. I walk over to the stove where there is a pot of hot water sitting there intended for tea. I pour a cup of the steaming water and open a packet containing a tea bag and put it in my water. I also grab a bagel and then walk over to the table and take a seat by Louis.

"So Lexi the boys and I have a rehearsal today at the studio would you and the others like to come?" Louis asks.

"Sure when is it?"

"One" He smiles.

"I'd Love to!" I say finishing my bagel. I kiss him on the lips and then go take a shower.

When I'm done i blow dry my hair and then change into a One Direction t-shirt my friends got me a few years back. I match it with a pair of jean shorts and put on a pair of sandals. Its almost 11 so i go downstairs and check my phone. Sense i've been dating Louis my inbox has been filled with thousands of new followers everyday!! By the time everyones up and ready its almost 12.

"Awesome shirt babe" I look up to see a smiling Louis.

"Showing my support" i giggle.

"Hey wheres Isabelle i haven't seen her at all today!" I continue.

"Oh shes at the barbers getting her nails trimmed and also getting a bath" Louis replies taking a seat next to me.

"Thanks!" I say giving him another peck.

"Ok lets go!!!" and impatient Harry screams.

We all pile out of the door and decide to take two cars. Cassie, Niall, Liam, Dani and Zayn all take Cassie's car while everyone else gets into mine.

On our way to the studio we all stop by Starbucks to get some warm drinks and hang out until one. We all take a seat by the windows.

"Its really dark and windy today" Dani says.

"Ya it looks like it will storm!" I say.


45 minutes later we are pulling into the studios parking lot. Everyone gets out and i hear my phone ding. I take it out of my purse and see its a weather warning.

"Whats wrong babe?" Louis asks walking towards me.

"Oh its a weather warning saying that theres a tornado watch in the area." I answer putting my phone away.

"Should we be worried?" Louis asks with a concerned look.

"No its probably nothing!" I smile.

He smiles back and takes my hand as we follow the rest into the studio.


"Baby you light up my world l

like nobody else,

The way that you flip you hair

gets me overwhelmed,

The way you smile at the ground

it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know oh-oh,

You don't know your beautiful,"

" If only you saw what I can see

you'd understand why I want you

so desperately,

Right now im looking at you

and I can't believe you don't

Know oh-oh,

You dont know your

beautiful oh-oh

You don't know your

beautiful oh-oh"

"Thats what makes you beautiful"

The boys finish singing there first song for the concert! Everyone cheers from the front row seats!

"Great Job boys!" A voice says and we all turn our heads to see Paul standing in the doorway.

"Thanks" they all say excitedly

"One problem" Paul continues.

All their faces drop.

"Whats wrong?" Zayn asks. Paul takes a deep breath.

"The Concert is canceled." He says briefly.

"What why?" Niall complains.

"There is a tornado warning that is in our area and it doesn't look good. We must all go down to the basement until its all clear." He ends finally.

We all drop dead silent.


Dun dun da....... Haha sorry i haven't

updated for a while i was out of town

and kinda haven't had a lot of wi-fi!

So whatever I'm back!

So Thanks to all those people who

have read my story so far I really

appreciate that!

Comment, follow and Vote!!! ❤⭐


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