Power Rangers - The Lost Ranger

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The only character I own is Alex (A.J) Hart, Trinity Hart and Kelly Kwan, all other characters are the property of SABAN ENTERTAINMENT MIGHTY MORPHIN' POWER RANGERS MEET POWER RANGERS DINO THUNDER



Hayley Johnson is busy working; it has been nearly two years since she helped the Dino Thunder Rangers when she notices a familiar face walk in.

"Well, well if it isn't Conner McKnight, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" she asks

"Hey, have you seen Tommy around lately?" asks Conner

"No, why?" wonders Hayley

"I think we should discuss this in private!" suggested Conner

"Ok, come with me, Robbie take over, I'll be right back!" responded Hayley

"Alright boss!" responded the youngster; Conner follows Hayley into the back office.

"What is it?" wonders Hayley

"I was round his place the other day, see if he wanted to meet up with me, Kira, Trent and Ethan, they're coming to town in a few days, when I got there, all I could find where beer bottles everywhere… now he needs help, and I think we're the only ones who can help him!" responds Conner

"Oh man, right, call the others, I have to make a round robin of my own, Tommy has some old friends who can help, we don't have much time, get moving!"

"Alright, time to get this party started" joked Conner


Kira Ford is getting dressed for an important interview when a young man comes out of the bedroom.

"Hey Alex, what you got planned for today?" wondered Kira

"Not sure, what time's your interview?" wondered the young man

"About 11:30 why, did you wanna do something afterwards?" "I thought after your interview we might spend the afternoon together!" suggested Alex "Sounds good to me sweety!" replied Kira as she felt Alex's arms wrap around her waist when suddenly they hear the phone ring, Alex walks over to the phone and answers it "Hello, Kira Ford's apartment" answers Alex "yeah sure, here she is!" he continues, passing the phone over to the former yellow Dino Thunder Ranger

"Hello?" responds Kira "Hey Conner, what's up?" she wonders "Oh man, yeah, I'll be back tonight, be there first thing in the morning!" Kira then hangs up the phone and looks at Alex with a disturbed look upon her face

"What's up sweety?" he asks

"It's my former Science Teacher, he's in a spot of bother and I need to get back!"

"I'll come too, what's his name by-the-way?"

"Tommy, Tommy Oliver!" replies Kira, who then notices a shock look on Alex's face, "what is it?"

"Call your friend back, if I remember my history, there's only one person who can help Uncle Tommy!"


"Yeah, he's sort of an adopted uncle, has been since I was 12!"

"Ok, you call who you need to, I'll call Conner back and tell him you're on it!" replies Kira, heading to the phone "Who you calling by the way?" she wonders

"The White Falcon's soul mate; the Pink Crane!" replies Alex

"I don't understand" replies Kira

"You Will sweety, you will" responds Alex, picking up his cell-phone, he begins to dial a number


"Trinity Aisha Hart, will you sit down and have your breakfast?" Kimberly asks her daughter, when her cell phone goes off "Trini, eat your breakfast while I answer the phone then I'll take you shopping"

"" squeals young Trini

"Hello" she giggles looking at Trinity

"Mom, its A.J.!"

"Alex? What's wrong? Are you ok?" she asks

"I'm fine mom, Kira's great, it's someone else!"


"Your White Knight!"



"Alex, it's been eight-years, I don't think he's ready to see me again!"

"Mom, trust me, he's in a bad way and you're the only one who can help him, from what Uncle Jase and Aunt Trini have told me, Tommy Oliver needs his Pink Crane!Kimberly realises that it's been too long and they need to see each other again!

"You always were good at using my past against me!"

"Mom, don't you dare accuse me of using your past when I use simple facts, anyway, I'm on my way to Reefside with Kira, tell the others they have twenty-four hours to get there, please do this mom… for me!"

"Ok, for you, Trinity and me, plus…"

"I know mom… you still love him, anyway, see you soon, I love you!"

"I love you too Alex!"

"Bye mom!"

"Bye" and with that, she disconnected the line.

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