The Lost Ranger Chapter 5

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Tommy is sat at a table, wearing a black suit and white shirt, ready for seeing Kimberley Ann Hart again for the first time in years.

"Tommy man, chill, it's Kim… the girl you've liked since you became the green ranger!" reminded Zack

"I know Zack, I'm just hoping this turns out better this time and doesn't end up like Kat!"

"Well, you should know that Kim would never cheat on you, and she would certainly never call anyone else better than you, you're a great guy Tommy, Kim knows that and as for Kat… she's history, anyway it's nearly time for your date, so we'll disappear!" Zack responded ushering the other former rangers out of the door

"Ok, now I'm nervous, I need to do this but I'm nervous as hell!" he said to himself

"You think you're nervous, try being me!" responded a voice behind him, instantly knowing the voice, he turns back round and looks at the beautiful brunette before him.


"Hi Tommy, it's been a while!"


"I remember, Alex and Kira told me you'd cut your hair, but I didn't believe it!"

"Do you hate it?"

"No, in fact I like it!"

"Would you like to sit down?" he offered, pulling out a chair

"Thank you… you've not changed!" she giggled as Tommy went round the table to sit down, when suddenly, out of no where, appeared A.J., Conner, Trent and Ethan

"Good Evening, and welcome to Hayley's Cyberspace, would you care to peruse today's menu?" said A.J. offering Tommy and Kim a menu each, as Tommy and Kim took in the fact that the four young men were dressed up in suit's with bow-tie's, Conner with a red bow-tie, Ethan with a blue bow-tie, Trent with a white bow-tie and A.J., looking almost like James Bond in a black bow-tie.

"Why thank you!" replied Kim, trying not to laugh.

"Conner will be back momentarily to take your order!" responded A.J. walking away.

"Good evening, I'm Conner and I'll be your waiter for this evening!" grinned Conner "Are you ready to order?" he asked

"Yes, I'll have the vegetable lasagne!" responded Kim

"Excellent choice!" replied Conner "And for sir?"

"Make that two!"

"Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good, and to drink?"

"A bottle of the cranberry juice and tell Hayley that you'll pay for it!" replied a grinning Tommy as Conner, Ethan and Trent stare in disbelief…


Just as Tommy and Kim where finishing their meal a single stage light came on and focused on the stage where Kira was stood.

"Don't worry Doctor O. or you Kim, this is a song I heard a while ago, and it suits you both!" said Kira as A.J., Conner, Ethan and Trent got on stage and undid their tie's, Conner head's to the drums, Ethan to the keyboard and Trent to the bass guitar, as A.J. sets the other mic so he and Kira can sing together.

"Care to dance Kim?"

"I'd love to!" she replied, Tommy took her hand and led her to the dance floor

"I could stay awake just to hear you breathing

Watch you smile while you are sleeping

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