The Lost Ranger Chapter 4

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A.J. is treating his mother and little sister to dinner at Hayley's Cyberspace, with them as always is Kira, when suddenly, in stormed Justin Stewart.

"If you ladies will excuse me!" apologised A.J. standing up, he goes over to Justin, "Uncle Justin, what's wrong?"

"Alex, I never knew Tommy could be such a pain in the ass!" Justin replied privately

"Why, what's wrong?" wondered A.J.

"He's getting suspicious as to why most of his former team-mates are taking such an interest in his well-being, and he's also getting annoyed that Tanya is asking about Kat, now I'm suspicious about that myself!"

"Listen Justin, if Tommy wanted you to know, he'd of told you, I just need to call Carter Grayson in Mariner Bay, we'll need ALL the reds involved!"

"All the reds?"

"Yeah, from Mighty Morphin to now!"

"This is getting chaotic!"

"Yeah, I want all yellows, pinks, and the only human female white ranger to be here to help with mom, EXCEPT Kat!"

"Right, I'll see what I can concoct!"

"Alright get going, otherwise Uncle Tom might wonder where his third blue ranger has gone!"

"Alright, just call them, I better go, you take care kiddo!"

"See ya uncle Justin!" and so with that, the two gents parted, and A.J. went back to his family

"And what was all that about young man?" asked Kim

"What ever could you mean mother dearest?" wondered A.J.

"ALEX JAMES HART either you tell me what is going on other wise Kira or no Kira I'm going to do what I should have done years ago!"

"Alright, alright, but you can't tell anyone you know..." turning to Kira "Could you take Trinity to another table please sweety?" he asked, Kira simply nodded, taking hold of Trinity's hand, who knew that A.J. and Kim wanted to have what they called a 'Grown-Up Conversation' "The others are all getting Tommy in shape, he was in a really bad way the other day, Conner had found beer bottles all over his house, and remembering what this Friday is, I thought it would be a good idea if we kept you company while you were here and they got his fitness back up!" All Kim could do was stare at A.J. as these words came out of his mouth.

"My Tommy?"


"I've gotta see him!"

"Not yet mom, trust me, he needs the exercise!" he replied, laughing

"Ok, but tell me, who else is involved?"


"You mean...?"

"Morphin through to Dino Thunder, well, when I call all the reds to get Tommy up to physical fitness that is!"

"Thank you Alex!"

"Mom, you don't need to thank me... I needed something to do!"

"Trinity will finally have her father back!"

"That's the plan!"

"Alex, I hope you don't think that this means you're..."

"Mom, you're my mom no matter what, you legally adopted me, you gave me the opportunity of a life, I'm your son... you're stuck with me I'm afraid!"

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