The Letters

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Emma's pov

I had figured it out. I couldn't live knowing Killian was out there but that I couldn't be with him. I'd rather die, so that was what I was going to do..

It was late at night, my parents, Henry, and all the other men were asleep, so this was my chance. I decided to write them all a letter to tell them what I was going to do.
I wrote one for Henry and one for my parents.

My sweet Henry,

I am so sorry that you will have to go through this. I just want you to know that I love you and that this had nothing to do with you. You are the best son I ever could have wished for and I am so glad I had you in my life. The universe would be a darker place without you. I love you Henry and I hope you will be very happy the rest of your life.

Your mother.

Dear mom and dad,

I dont know how you ever thought I would be okay with this. Being without Killian was horrible enough on its own, I really didn't need this. I cant live with so much pain, so much heartbreak. I want you to know that I will miss you both, and that I love you. I hope the mermaids will enjoy their meal.


Once I was satisfied with the letters I lay them down on a desk and walked torwards the water. It was dark, like ink. I decided to do it quickly, So I wouldn't have any time change my mind about this.

I quickly climbed over the edge and jumped into the Ice cold water.

Soon, I felt something grab my leg and drag my underwater. I quickly thought about what I wanted my last words to be, before I would die.

" I love you Killian." I said, during the last seconds my face was still above the surface.

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