Chapter 12

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Zev's POV

After saying goodnight to Melanie I walk to the couch. I have been sleeping there so that Melanie can have the bed in the guest room.

I take my shirt off and put a pillow on the couch and lie down; setting my head on it. I grab the blanket that is always on the couch and pull it over me. I snuggle up and sleep pulls me in to its warm, cozy embrace.
__________________________ time lapse

I wake up to a blood curdling scream. I jump off the couch landing halfway across the room. I instantly know it came from Melanie's room. I sprint even faster when I hear an even louder scream coming from her room.

I see the door in view and burst through the door. I see Melanie writhing around in the bed with tear stains and sweat on her face. Even though she is still screaming bloody murder I breath a sigh of relief....she ok.

I jump onto the bed shaking it and grab her shoulders; shaking them. When that doesn't work I wrap my arms around around her beautiful frame and hold on tight saying "Melanie! Melanie! Wake up! It's just a dream!"

What feels like forever later she stops screaming and looks up to see me. "Zev" she practically breathes out and begins sobbing. She is breaking down with her body shaking and tears streaming down her face soaking my shirt.

When she us finished her crying fit she looks up into my eyes and says "Zev? Why are you crying?" She reaches one hand up and wipes my tears. "It was just scary.....seeing you like that." Is how I respond. She smiles and says "soooooo you care about me?"

Her smile turning into a cheeky grin. I get a sly grin and lean down gently pushing my lips against hers; teasing her. She let's out a sigh and tries to kiss me back, but I pull away. She gives a playful pout when I say "Does that answer you question?" She looks into my eyes and says "No! You tease!"

"Ohhh" I say as I lean in, but this time fully press my lips to hers. She kisses back eagerly and gently bites my lower lip. We moan as we continue to kiss. I return her gesture by nipping her lower lower lip. She opens her mouth as my tongue meets hers as we explore each others mouths. She runs her hand down my bare chest and stomach making me shiver. I pull her against me feeling every where I feel her touching me; my back, head, stomach; I love it.

We break apart breathing heavily. I grin and say "Do you know my answer yet?" I say. She looks at me and says "hmmm. I think so." I chuckle and start to get up.

She grabs my arm and says "Wait! Where are you going?" "Back to bed." I answer. She sighs and says "Zev can you please sleep with me? I'm still scared from the nightmare." I lie back down under the blankets. I say "Only if I can use you as a side pillow." She laughs and says "I guess." In a light tone.

I grab her small body compared to my large one and pull her against me; feeling her warmth. Next thing I know I fall asleep thinking about how I will ask Melanie what happened in the dream and to ask her to be my girlfriend.

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