Is it official?? T-T

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Well I had figured that loudfire and KingAsgore are fucking dating
Now who should I date ????
This is getting more depressing
Should I kill myself???
Do I have to destroy him???
Or see them happy
And feel with disgust idk???
Well I guess she put him in front of me
So it means she doesn't love me !!!!
Well guess this means good bye
I'll try to tell my mom I am dying
From depression and love???
I should let her ask me out that day!!!
God just kill me already I don't wanna suffer
Well KingAsgore if you are reading this it means I am dead and tomorrow be all emo
On you !!
And ily so much Kms
- third wheel 

Well I had figured that loudfire and KingAsgore are fucking dating Now who should I date ????This is getting more depressingShould I kill myself???Do I have to destroy him???Or see them happyAnd feel with disgust idk???Well I guess she put him in ...

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