Everyone But Her

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"Yo, Barnes! You comin' or not?"

It was near the end of the year for the seniors of Midwood High School. Everyone was buzzing around, trying to keep themselves busy until graduation. Everyone was eager to leave what had been like hell for the past four years. All except for (Y/N), and that's what Bucky found intriguing. He'd always wanted to talk to her, invite her to one of the many weekend parties, but he never did. He could never find the words to say. Now, that he thinks about it, they've never actually talked.

"I don't know. Last time you got me a fake out, Tommy." Bucky replied, swinging his jacket over his shoulder.

"Aw, c'mon! She wasn't so bad. Jessica was a doll."

"You just say that 'cause you're dating her sister."

"Make sure you tell Laura I said that. No, just tell her I was talking nice 'bout Jess."

"Sure thing." he said with a smirk. That's when he saw you. You were by your locker grabbing the books you would take home to study and do homework. Unconsciously, Bucky was just staring at you and only nodded here and there to seem like he was actually listening to Tommy's rambling.

"She ain't got anything to do this weekend, ya know?" Tommy said knowing Bucky was staring at you.

"W-what? Um, who?" Bucky stuttered.

"(Y/N) isn't doing anything with anyone."

"So?" He said as he watched you walk down the hall.

"Barnes, you can't deny you got the hots for her." Bucky scoffed but simply smiled as he watched you exit the building.

He ran after you in attempt to catch up. No backing up, Barnes. Man up and ask her out. He was so lost in though he actually bumped into you. Great. "I'm so sorry." he said helping you pick up your stuff.

"Don't blow your top, James. It's fine." You said with a warm smile. That smile that made his stomach fill with butterflies. The way you said his name. "Can I get my books, though." You said pointing at the stack in his hands.

"Why don't I carry them for you. That is if you let me walk you home."

"We take the same route either way." You said. He looked at you confused. "I live a street over from you." You said with a chuckle.

"I honestly had no idea." He replied still wondering how he could've missed such an important fact.

"How's Steve? I didn't see him in school today." You asked, as you waited to cross the street.

She talks to Steve?  "He's been sick. You know that kid."

"He owes me ice cream. I told him he was going to get sick. If only I hadn't forgotten my jacket. He's so stubborn." You said, as you neared your street. "This is it." You said and stopped in front of your house. Bucky handed you your books and shoved his hands in your pockets. "If you see Steve, please tell him I made him a copy of today's notes." He nodded and started to walk off.

"Bucky?" He stopped walking and turned around. "Thank you." You waved one last time and went inside your house.
"You've gone out with (Y/N)!" Bucky yelled, as Steve laid sick in his bed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what? That I have a girl friend?" Steve said coughing.

Bucky's eyes widened. "She's your girlfriend?"

Steve shook his head, already tired of Bucky's dramatic flair. "She is my girl friend, like from the female gender?"

Bucky sighed and sat across from Steve. "You're real gone, Buck. Just ask her out already! Man up. She'll say yes. Trust me."

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