Just Another Harry Potter Fan Fiction ~on hold~

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A/N Hi, I just decided to write this. It is short, I know. Whatever it will get more exciting but i kinda have to get through the boring parts to get to the fun parts! xD Well vote, comment, fan, like!!! PLEASE!!!! I Will Read Your story and i will try to reply to ALL comments :) Thanks For Reading!!!!! :DDDD Can I Have 2 votes and at least 1 comment to continue? I know its not that good but if you give me a chance i will improve. I'm okay with constructive critisism!!! :)



Autumn sat on her couch quietly reading, little did she know a man was coming to change her life as she knows it. She turned to look out the window when all the street lights went out. Autumn carefully got up to go see what was wrong when there was a knock at the door.

"Mum there's someone at the door" she yelled

Her mom came down the stairs and opened the door surprised. This tall man was standing in the doorway. He had blue robes, a long white beard that made him look wise, and a letter with green writing.

"Hello my name is Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry. I am pleased to inform you that your daughter, Autumn, Is a witch. We would love if she came to attend our school September." Albus Said.

Autumn was speechless, she now knows why she set the tablecloth on fire, and how she got an embarrasing haircut and her hair grew back that night normal. All the kids in school said she was wierd.

"Um.. y-y-yes I guess she can go but its up to her." Her mum said.

"Of course i want to go!" Autumn screamed.

She was waiting to get out of that school for years! Excitement bubbled insider her as she realised she would never see Lincoln Elementary again!

"Perfect,I will send someone that will take you to Diagon Ally to get all your stuff for school." Albus said as her handed her the letter he had in his hands.

Autumn took it and went back to her cozy spot on the couch. She could barely keep from screaming as loud as she could. She kept thinking it was a school where she could be who she wanted to be. No one could judge her. She had been judged all her life by her brothers. Autumn had 4 brothers, Dylan, Seth, Erin, and Conner. Being pushed around by her brothers wasnt the greatest thing, they often teased her and laughed at her for being abnormal. It seemed everyone on Privet Drive thought not being normal, and fitting in was the worst possible thing to be! It was horrible! She was bored with her book and decided to look around to do anything. Something seemed to be pulling her to look over and when she did she looked over at the house next door. She saw a boy staring outside the window. He had circular glasses, a scar shaped like lightning and a sweater on. She had always wondered who he was. Autumn often saw him outside in the back yard or at the park but never talked to him. It seemed to her that this boy was the same as her because she often heard Mr. and Mrs. Dursley yelling at him. They locked eyes as she turned away and blushed crimson. He was a cute, probably 11 - Like her and she wanted to actually meet him. Autumn decided to meet him tommorow. She would see him at the park since he normally walked there.



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