8 Ways to Piss a Teacher Off

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Hi, I came up with this one night when I was thinking of 333 ways to get kicked out of walmart so I was thinking, "who doesn't want to know ways to piss a teacher off?!" That's when I got the idea for the story.

So please vote, fan, and comment!


1) Make choking noises and fall dramatically to the floor. Then wait until everyone's attention is towards you before standing up and bowing and blowing kisses

2) Stare at the teacher until he/she starts looking at you funny then say "What!?" extremely loud

3) Tap the person in front of you on the shoulder and when he/she turns to look at you, yell for the teacher saying "Tell him/her to stop looking at me! He/she looks like he'll/she'll jump me any second!"

4) Put your pen or pencil on the teacher's desk and when they pick it up, snatch it away from them and yell "Hey! That's mine! THIEFF!!"

5) Stand on top of your desk and do the Macarena!!

6) Walk up to the teacher with tears in your eyes (use eyedrops if you can't cry real tears) and loudly yell "How could you do this to me!? I thought we had something special! How could you betray my love for someone else!?" (Even better when done to the same gender)

7) When the class is all quiet, play music loudly on your phone and yell "Party time!"

8) Stand in front of the classroom and start singing "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus and do an embarassing dance


Ok, one thing for certain, you actually attempt to do one or more of these things listed above, don't put the blame on me. You're the one who attempted it, not me so be ready for the consequences if you're going to do it. Otherwise, have a laugh as we scorn at teachers behind their back. Bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2011 ⏰

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